Chapter 56 - First Ball (I)

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In the month after the ceremony, the families of debutantes held balls to celebrate the occasion. Annalise, being important, was the first one to have hers. She originally hadn't wanted to invite Catherine, but I convinced her otherwise. We were going to have our first battle sooner or later, and I would much rather have it on my playing field.

"Don't let them say anything about the prince, focus on what a disgrace Catherine was, or maybe don't talk about her at all. Don't go all in yet, we don't want people to think we're judging her too harshly, and we need more evidence to drag her through the mud completely. Compliment Lady Bryant, not forgetting my contribution, obviously. And of course, talk about how well Annalise did in comparison. It's like the swan and the ugly duckling!"

That had been yesterday, at the tea party we held for Annalise after her debutante, where she had spilled everything that had happened. The war council made up of us and our friends, but mainly me, had decided on this course of action, to be carried out immediately.

As such, I went to the ball full of the excitement of a hunter seeing a particularly intriguing target for the first time.

"Prince Oscar Stoneshire and Lady Valentina Avington have arrived!"

We stood on the interior balcony overlooking the ballroom, all the guests bowing and curtseying below us in greeting. The mesmerizing power this feeling held never failed to send a thrill through me, an addicting drug I would do anything to keep taking, and what I was ultimately after.

I held my fiance's arm, sure that we looked like the perfect couple. I was the lovely future queen, beautiful in my dark red dress, luxurious jewellry, and flawless hair and makeup. He was the handsome crown prince, coldly gorgeous and dressed fittingly. I smiled as we descended the staircase, glancing over the crowd and searching for a face. I failed at the moment.

"Thank you, Your Highness and Lady Valentina, for gracing my humble ball with your presence."

Annalise curtseyed in front of us, pretty and proper. I admired her self-control, for just yesterday she had been talking about strangling him. Oscar replied stoically, as usual.

"Please rise. Good evening, Lady Annalise, and you're very welcome."

"It's a pleasure to be here. Congratulations on your debutante, Lady Annalise."

Annalise thanked the both of us, and the greetings were soon over. Shortly, the music played, and the ball began.

Other than entertainment, the real purpose of balls was courtship and marriage. Ladies and gentlemen flaunted their dancing, meeting and conversing with possible partners. As for a betrothed couple like us, we were supposed to get to know each other better. We didn't do that.

Assuredly, the crown prince was excellent at dancing, and so was I. We were the picture of sophistication and pure aristocracy, elegantly twirling around the dance floor, like the figurines of a music box Father had given me so long ago. I found the activity in itself enjoyable and fun, but my partner was a different matter, outside of his face, which was always nice to look at.

"I like this song."

"That's good."

We were in each other's arms, hand in hand, so close yet so far. I had given up expecting conversation many balls ago, but I still tried most of the time. Today, I was too focused on thinking about Catherine, so I didn't bother. He didn't complain, but I thought he looked at me rather curiously, though that might have just been my desperate imagination.

I showed off my dancing, making the best of this situation, so terribly lacking in romance. Our close proximity alone had ceased to be enough to interest me long ago, and I instead continued my surveillance for Catherine.

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