Chapter 35 - The Male Lead

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The crown prince of Orilon, Oscar Stoneshire, was a fascinating existence.

Black hair, golden eyes, piercing gaze. Mysterious, handsome, and cold as ice, melted only by the female lead. But currently, he was just ten years old.

I had met him a few times, but we'd never really spoken beyond formalities. When I was really little, I vaguely remembered that I might have had a crush on him, because his face was simply stunning. That was a long time ago, and I didn't see him often as we grew up because of the many lessons he had to take in preparation of becoming king. He must look even prettier now.

These thoughts ran through my head in a flash as I saw the individual in question across the royal garden. My friends began chattering immediately.

"My, isn't that His Highness?"

"Where? Where?"

"Is that him, beside the daffodils?"

"Oh, I think that's him!"

"Don't stare, girls."

Though I could barely contain my own excitement, I had to lead my girls. The first step to dominate a man was to get him to come to you. We continued our walk, elegantly speaking to each other and paying the prince and his entourage of servants no mind.

I sneaked a glance at him in the corner of my eye, something Mother taught me to do without being noticed. From the side profile, it was definitely him, and he was looking in our direction. My heart sped up at its implications.

"Do you know him, Lady Valentina?"

"Ah, we've met."

I was so distracted I couldn't even fully appreciate the round of awe that arose from my followers. In the novel, I didn't fall in love with him at first sight until I was fifteen, when he came to our castle and my teenager self saw how gorgeous he was. But with everything I was changing, why not this too?

It was a great thing, actually. During their childhood, the male lead grew attracted to the isekaied villainess that suddenly became nice, and paid no attention to the real female lead when the novel started. A classic plotline I would love to follow.

I took out my handkerchief from the cute handbag I carried and dabbed at the non-existent sweat on my brow, ignoring the fact that it was winter. When I put it back, I barely placed it in, and with one knock of my elbow against my bag, it fluttered right out onto the ground, begging to be picked up. Mother would be so proud.

My friends knew better to pick it up, and understood my intentions. We walked extra slowly, making it easy for even a snail to catch up, until the voice I had been waiting for called.

"Excuse me, is this yours, Lady Valentina?"

I turned around, smiling. For all my attempts to prepare myself mentally, I stopped breathing.

He was the living definition of beautiful, a true male lead. I was used to myself, Damian, and my mother, but he was on another level, attainable only through God's favouritism. Despite his cold appearance, he shone bright. I stared until I managed to recollect myself.

"Yes, thank you very much, Your Highness."

I delicately took the handkerchief from him, exercising all the sweetness I had worked so hard to mimic. I needed to act nothing less than a saint.

"I'm delighted you remember me, Your Highness. We haven't seen each other in a while."

"I've been busy."

His expression wasn't as unreadable as Zoe's, but cool courtesy hiding bored uninterest, like I wasn't worthy of his attention. I felt a stab at my heart from this picture perfect prince.

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