Chapter 50 - Secrets, Secrets

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Deep inside the royal castle of Orilon, King Henry waited in a secret office reserved for the most special of guests. He was reading reports when a knock sounded at the door.

"Come in."

The king didn't look up as a man entered. He didn't particularly like his visitor, though they saw each other far more than he would have preferred.

"Good evening, Your Majesty."

"Have a seat, Baron."

A chair scraped, and the baron sat. When the king felt his atmosphere of authority was finally appropriate, he glanced up.

Baron Bryant was a slightly plump man, mildly pleasing but otherwise unnoticeable in appearance. His hair was brown and his eyes were green, and his features were often arranged in a humble smile. He would've fit in a crowd of small-time aristocrats, unimportant and easily forgettable.

Unfortunately, despite King Henry's prayers, this man was anything but that.

"It's been a while, Your Majesty. I almost thought you'd forgotten about me."

"You jest, dear Baron. How could I ever?"

Not with what he had over him, he couldn't, as much as he wished.

"Then why did it take so long for this meeting to happen? Surely you received my messages."

Now that greetings were over, the baron was getting to business. Good, the king thought, and God let it be over soon so he could get back to avoiding him. Under the masks they wore, they were too filthy for the world.

"Of course, but I've been busy. We're here now, aren't we? Let's not waste any more time."

"Certainly, Your Majesty, but I must remind you again that I have alternatives, while you do not."

"Then I need to remind you that I am still your king, though you're free to take your chances with your 'alternatives'."

Neither the king's pleasant smile nor the baron's modest expression faltered. The baron spoke first, and the king was already irritated at his voice.

"Regarding the temple. Why did you allow the girl to become the saint?"

"You know as well as I do it wasn't up to me. We can't interfere with the temple yet, since the time isn't right, as you like to say."

"You could have done something discreetly."

"And risk getting the whole plan discovered? It was too dangerous. Besides, the greater the heights, the more painful the fall."

"The harder it is to push someone over."

"Leave that part to me, my friend. You'll have what I promised, and their little show will come crumbling down."

"You still won't explain?"

"It's a royal secret, after all."

Baron Bryant nodded. That was the one good thing about the man, he didn't question the methods as long as it got the job down. Despite their mutual distaste, they shared trust. At least, the king was forced to.

"What of the betrothal?"

"What of it? It would've been suspicious to refuse, and it might have offended them. Don't worry, when it all falls down, it will obviously be annulled."

"What if the prince disagrees? He won't stay a child forever, and that girl is cunning. Look at who her mother is."

"He'll listen to me, and we have your backup plan."

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