Chapter 103 - Confessions (IV)

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Catherine was exhausted by morning, as it was the first time she'd spent the whole night dancing. Lady Bryant had made her promise to go home by midnight, but Lord Damian had reassured her it was all right, and he had been enough to distract her completely from her conscience, though it now ached badly. She and numerous other ladies and gentlemen had breakfast at the Avington mansion, before farewells were said and each departed. Lord Damian insisted on escorting her home, and the resulting encounter was as awkward as she'd feared.

"Lord Damian," Father said icily. "I see you've finally decided to return my daughter."

"Yes, Lord Bryant, and I must thank you for allowing me her fine company," Lord Damian said cheerfully. "It was the best gift I could've received from anyone, and I'm sorry to say goodbye."

However, goodbyes were indeed said, and after a restrained thank-you from the baron, Lord Damian was ushered out of the house. Father turned to Catherine, and his expression softened, though it was still disapproving.

"You shouldn't have stayed out all night, not with your current state of health. Go rest, and I'll have some food sent up."

"A-actually, Father, I have something I need to tell you."

Father frowned, making Catherine wince. He stood expectantly, and Catherine lowered her gaze before she spoke quickly.

"Um, Lord D-Damian has asked me to marry him!"

No audible reaction. Catherine feared that he hadn't heard her and she would have to say it again, but as she slowly lifted her head, that fear was replaced with a worse dread. Father's expression was very strange, and as usual, she couldn't read it all. Her stomach tightened, and she prayed that he wasn't angry.

"...Come. We will talk in my office."

She let out a sigh of relief, but her anxiety rose again when Father told a servant to get Uncle. When they were all gathered in Father's office, he made her tell him the exact circumstances and words of the proposal, which she remembered better than anything she'd ever learned, and her cheeks grew warm as she recited them.

Uncle grinned. "Ha! Fact is, I've been wondering why my little Cat hasn't been receivin' more offers, given how good I've raised her. I ain't surprised in the least, I'll tell you! My little Cat's all grown up now!"

He ruffled Catherine's hair, and she smelt the familiar stink of alcohol on his breath. She smiled weakly. Father was not so impressed, and looked at her thoughtfully. He asked her some questions about their previous correspondence, and she answered them truthfully. He'd known about the gifts and letters Lord Damian had sent, but he'd merely warned her of his reputation and to not grow too attached, and to remain polite and avoid embarrassing the family any more. She'd done her best to obey.

"Why did you give him a pen knife? How did you even get it?"

"U-um... I-I read a story where everyone used magical knives, and i-it reminded me of him, so I sent Mary to buy the prettiest one she could find!"

Catherine swallowed. It was the strategy she'd used back in the bookstore, on the rare occasions where she didn't want to tell the whole truth. The excuse was genuine enough, minus some details, and since that made it basically the truth, it did its best to alleviate the immense guilt she immediately felt. She bit her lip, trembling slightly, and thought of how disappointed Father and Uncle would be if they found out that she snuck out. That was much more effective in making her resolute.

Father lifted an eyebrow, but nodded slowly.

"Give a more expensive gift next time, though I doubt there's anything we can afford to meet their standard. For now, treat him as normal, but if he asks for an answer, tell him you're still thinking about it. Also, don't tell anyone, though I suspect you have no one to tell anyways. If there's nothing else, go rest."

Unfortunately, I'm an Evil VillainessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora