Bonus: Whip

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James's POV

With a wedding day so filled with much more excitement than I signed up for, I was more than ready to spend a few weeks alone with my wife.

Fuck, she was my wife, now, not just my girlfriend, or the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen across a room. I honestly saw her that day at the gala and I instantly knew I was going to marry her. And I have. No amount of exotic islands and glass floors with the ocean underneath was ever going to get me away from pleasing my wife in every way she'd ever dreamt of from all those dirty books she read.

I didn't even know where we flew to, to be honest, because all I could ever think about was the fact that I somehow convinced my Elina to marry me—finally—and that all the things that went wrong on that day didn't hurt anyone.


Waking up peacefully next to her had already been my reality for a good year and a half, but I still didn't fully believe it when I opened my eyes and saw her slightly upturned nose, those rosy cheeks and her blonde hair. She's perfect in every way, and I'd always be the luckiest guy on earth.

No matter what.

Though my mind drifted to Damian and how he'd changed in the short months after the wedding, making me very interested in knowing exactly what went down between him and the photographer.. The whole 'luckiest guy on earth'-phrase could probably shift in his direction, soon. I'd probably never know, unless Elina found out through her new friend.

I shook my head and stared at the ceiling. It looked like giant straws tied together, held up by some grid or whatever, and it was painfully boring to look at. My thumbs twiddled anxiously before one hand went up behind my head, the other drumming on my stomach to some non-existent beat.

I was on my honeymoon. I'd been awake for hours, and found a note on the other side of the bed when I woke, telling me my girl had gone out shopping.

On our honeymoon.


I knew her well enough to know that either meant I'd done something I wasn't aware of—and she was mad—or she was shopping for something for me. Like a surprise.

Even with the cautious dread in my stomach that I'd done something deserving of spending a few hours alone, wondering what I'd done wrong, I was weirdly excited to know what she was up to.

Flipping through the pages of one of her books, I laid on the bed, skimming the many pages with miscommunication, the man groveling at the woman's feet and eventually the scorching hot sex they were having in their happily ever after. I'd learned that was shortened to 'HEA' when she was shopping for books, so I looked for that as well when I looked for new ones to give her. And, well, I usually stuck to the 'erotica' genre as well, because I loved it when she came to me with a new scene to reenact.

I was smart like that. A gift for her first, but then it came back and gifted itself to me when she read it.

The door to our little hut on the water opened up, and I saw my Elina had several bags under her arms. She smiled at me—a sweet, innocent smile that told me I had done nothing wrong, and her trip was purely for fun. That tiny piece of knowledge made my cock harden.

Lowering my hand to adjust myself, I cleared my throat and started reading out loud. "I'd never seen such pure, male pride before. The way he carried himself, completely shameless and—"

"Self assured," Elina continued for me. She grinned. "Did you get to the part where he licks her from her knee to her ear, and tells her how incredibly gorgeous she is?"

My eyebrows raised, and I started flipping eagerly through the pages. "Not yet," I admitted, suddenly curious. I should lick Elina like that. Not having any luck finding the passage she was talking about, I shut the book and nodded towards the bags. "Get anything good this morning?"

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