Chapter 21

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I'd never had this icky feeling in my body before. It was crushing my heart, slowly, and it was making me want to vomit. I knew exactly what was going to happen tonight.

One, Damian and James were preparing to kill at this exact moment.

Two, I would be there, watch, and James would see me, and my family, and I had no idea how he'd react. He knew my dad didn't want me with a man like him, so I could only hope he wouldn't approach.

And three...I would see dead men tonight. Whether or not I'd see them die was the only real question I had.

I spent more time than necessary to find some jeans and high boots, knowing full well it would be cold at the warehouse. I grabbed the belt I hoped I'd never wear, the one dad bought me—with an unused holster—and attached it around my hips. Dad wanted me to wear a leather jacket, just like the ones they were all wearing downstairs, so I put on a thick sweater underneath.

I hated this.

Dad and Hank both met my gaze when I walked in, and dad shoved one of the guns towards me over the counter. I lifted it, feeling the heavy weight in my hand as I pulled the magazine free, saw it was loaded, and pushed it back in. I checked that the safety was on, and holstered it.

"Good girl," dad muttered. "We're running late."

Nina looked bored, tapping on her phone at the same time as she started walking towards the door with dad, while Hank pushed the leather jacket into my chest. With a lowered voice, he asked, "Do you know what's happening tonight?"

"Yes," I said, looking up at him.

"James told you?" He looked like he didn't quite believe me, but I nodded.

"He did," I replied, clearing my throat, "and Damian did."

Hank's jaw clenched, then he sighed. "Take your jacket. We're a family tonight, not just Strac, but George. People need to see we're strong and loyal. Damian needs to see it. And Michael."

Hank's dark stare made me nod. I had no idea why he was so serious, or why Nina and I had to go in the first place, but I didn't dare refuse. So I put on my jacket and walked out of the house with Hank, towards the car in the driveway.

I kept silent on the way there, letting dad and Hank go through whatever they needed to, before I saw the gray car outside the warehouse, next to a black one that looked equally ridiculously expensive. They were there. I was here.

Nina jumped out the same second the car stopped, her phone still in her hands. She hadn't said much on the way, but she did send me some knowing looks—like she knew I was afraid dad would find out about James.

I got out, my legs wobbly, as I took a few steps closer to the warehouse.

It was filled with people. I'd seen some before—I recognized the two called Kurt and Mongrel, being inseparable it seemed, next to a woman with a short pixie cut I envied—and some I'd never seen. They all looked serious; dressed in black and packing weapons, and I was suddenly scared there were more traitors left between all of them.

I followed my family across the lot, towards the warehouse itself. On the way, I saw Borgen, and sent him a quick smile as a greeting. He didn't react to it, even though I was absolutely certain he saw me. He was a silent one. He probably had a lot to deal with, so smiling to a little girl was probably not on his list.

As we entered through the steel door, I heard laughter. Dark, disturbing laughter from inside. And what I saw...I'd honestly never seen the likes of it.

Six men were on their knees, shackled to the floor. They were bruised and bloody already, mouths filled with dirty cloths. A few of them were crying, sending choked sobs through the place, looking up at the two men in front of them all with pleading eyes.

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