Chapter 19

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"It's never too late to back down," he then said, "remember that."

Then his hands left mine and I was free to uncover him completely. Lucky me, were the only two words left in my brain as I stared at him. If he should somehow be right—and we'd end up married—I wouldn't complain one bit. If that dick turned out to be the only one I'd ever see or touch in real life, I'd be more than happy.

Though dick was a small word to describe it. Cock was more appropriate.

I managed to rip my eyes from it long enough to see James' very pleased smile as he took his hands behind his head, and thrust his hips once. "You look good down there, Your Highness."

I couldn't help the tiny smirk that appeared on my lips. "I'm very pleased with my view as well."

"Yeah?" He grinned. "Better than the men in your books?"

"Absolutely," I told him, licking my lips.

"That has to be the biggest compliment you've given me." He leaned down, and placed a loving kiss on my lips. "So far," he added with a wink.

Then he stood back up, and smiled down at me, letting me do whatever I wanted to his naked body. While I was still fully clothed. It didn't seem fair, but I didn't really want to complain either—so I lifted my hand and gently wrapped it around his hard shaft, feeling the warmth from his skin seep into my palm.

Curiosity got the best of me, as I leaned forward, sticking my tongue out to lick him. He tasted salty, and I giggled as I put my lips around his tip. He responded with a groan, and when I looked up, his head was tilted back. My tongue swirled around him in my mouth, and then he looked down at me, his eyes wild and bright.

"Fucking hell," he muttered, "if I could only see one thing for the rest of my life, I'd see you with my cock in your mouth."

I had no idea what to respond, so I didn't—I only pushed his thick member deeper, opening my mouth wider, as I did my best to suck him. I couldn't see anything but him, and his furrowed brows. I couldn't hear anything beside his groans and moans, once I started moving in a steady rhythm.

His whole limb would never fit into my mouth, but my hand was helping a lot. I pumped him, loving the sounds he made and how much they fueled my own desire. I was practically soaking already, just by getting him off.

And I realized I'd me more than happy doing just that, without anything in return. But, damn, did I hope to get something in return as well.. The whole situation was so wildly steamy, that I was certain my heart would give in to a heatstroke.

My jaw was already aching, and as I looked up at him, he shuddered. "Holy hell, Elina," he said, his hands moving down to my head, slowing my pace. "You need to tell me exactly what you want tonight, because I'm gonna blow in about thirty seconds if you keep going."

"This," I said, my eyes locking with his, "this is what I want." And my mouth closed around him again.

I closed my eyes and enjoyed every last moment of him trembling in front of me. His quickening breaths, his curse words, and his fingers grasping my hair. I loved that I made this big man make sounds I'd only read about—and oh my God, did those sounds make my lower abdomen burn with passion.

"I'm coming." His voice was barely audible between the rougher grunts.

His hands tightened in my hair, my hands moved to his hips as he began thrusting towards me. I looked up, locking eyes with him as he tried to pull away, but I shook my head. I wanted it all.

He swore again, the word becoming a breathless nothing between his moans just as something warm and silky filled my mouth. It was like a dream. James Davis had just emptied himself down my throat, and I was trembling on my knees in front of him. Until he pulled back, his cock sliding out and his fingers finding my chin.

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