Chapter 28

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I took a short walk through the room, feeling James' eyes on me the entire time, as I made a point to look at everything closely. There was a bouquet of roses I didn't notice at first, by the dining table, and they smelled heavenly.

The next thing I wandered to was the glass vase atop a dresser, across from the bed. I took my time and looked at the asymmetrical neck, the dyed glass towards the bottom, and how it was free of dust.

Nervousness had settled deep inside the pits of my stomach, and I bit my lip to keep from saying anything inappropriate.

But I didn't have to, because James did. "You're killing me with your pretend innocence, Elina," he said, his voice rough.

"Pretend?" I questioned, arching a brow towards him.

"Yes, pretend." He grinned and came up to me, his finger lifting my chin so I had to meet his heavy gaze. "I know what you read, so you can't be innocent for real."

"Do you always have to bring that up?" I crossed my arms and faced him fully, glaring daggers at him.

"I love it," he replied, "so yes."

"You're not normal," I told him, scoffing a little, even if I enjoyed the gleam in his eyes, and the way his lips curved up and revealed his dimples.

He put his arms around my waist and shrugged innocently. "Normal's boring," he retorted, kissing my cheek. "Are you hungry?"

I looked at him as I waited for the whirlwind of emotions to calm down in me, to check if I was hungry. It'd been a while since I had anything to eat, so the answer was most likely yes. So I nodded.

"What do you want? I'll order up." He kissed my lips sweetly, slapped my ass and walked over to the phone.

He acted as if we'd been together for years, like he knew me—like he saw me. It was so natural, making my chest swell with warmth as he flipped through the room service menu, his eyes darting to me now and then to check me out. Despite my earlier comment about not being normal, he was. And he was handsome, and kind, and he'd come for me when I'd disappeared.

I had no idea how to react to that, but my body seemed to adore it. And him.

"How do you feel about some steak rolls?" he asked as I approached, leaning over his arm to look at the different foods. "They look delicious."

I looked at him and his smile, before I looked down at the picture he pointed at, and, yes, it looked delicious.

"I'd love some steak rolls," I said, placing a soft kiss on his arm. Then I turned around and bit my lip as I realized I left my duffel bag of clothes in Diana's car. "Shit," I muttered, groaning.

"What?" He placed his hands on my arms, and pulled me back against his chest, his lips pressing against the top of my head.

It gave my whole body butterflies, and I was pretty sure I'd float slowly down to the floor, should he let me go. I'd be taken well care of by the pink clouds and mushiness that swarmed us both.

"I forgot my stuff in the car." I turned, and shrugged, as if it didn't really bother me. "I kind of wanted to try the tub. I'll go see if I can find Diana, and her car," I said, getting up on my toes to kiss him.

He placed a finger on my lips and shook his head, his brows furrowed. "Just get into the tub, princess," he said in a voice low and sultry, making my stomach twist in anticipation. "I'll order some food and get your stuff."

"I'm capable of getting my own things," I countered, even though I didn't want to argue about it.

"I know," he replied, kissing my forehead sweetly, as he lowered his voice and looked into my eyes. "I just couldn't handle it if you disappeared again."

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