Ch 15-Let the Games Begin

Start from the beginning

Lauren and Bridgette left as well leaving me and Holden alone in the basement.

We stood across from each other considering I was still behind the bar and he was sitting on the stool.

"Thanks for answering my text."  Holden said casually leaning his arms on the counter and looking up at me.

His light blue eyes glaring but, he didn't seem mad.  He just looked like he was testing me.

At first I wasn't sure what he was even talking about which seemed to annoy him but, then I remember he had texted me when I was on the phone with Ava.

"Oh that.  I forgot."   I said matter-of-factly trying to act was cool and nonchalant as possible.

 I couldn't have Holden thinking I was into him.

Because I'm not.

At least I don't think I am.

Holden's eyes grew wide was amusement as I grabbed my drink casually and was about to exit the bar area.

He abruptly cut me off blocking me in with his hand on the wall and the bar.

"I think we have a scavenger hunt to play."  I said coyly and without warning Holden leaned in and kissed me but, it wasn't like the kiss we had when he dropped me off.

It was hot.

His hands were tangled in my hair, my arms were wrapped around his neck, our tongues were moving in sync, and I could feel his heart beat against my chest as we pulled each other closer and closer.

"So were about to start the scavenger hunt if you guys still want to play.  If not I'm sure you'll find good use out of one of our 6 guestrooms."  I heard the all too familiar confidently annoying voice from behind me as me and Holden broke our kiss.

Adam was standing a few feet away from us with a cheeky smile and I couldn't help but, scowl at him.

"We'll be out in a second."  Holden said, his voice raspy and heavy.

"Okay.  Hurry up."  Adam said sternly and I rolled my eyes as I heard the screen door slam.

"We should probably go."  I turned back to look at Holden who seemed to have a dazed expression on his face that made my heart flutter. 

He then smiled and I assumed that that meant he was okay with leaving as well.  I took a step forward heading towards the door when Holden's hand closed around my wrist.

"Wait."  He pulled me back so quickly that I had landed into his hard chest making my face turn into a tomato.

When I finally looked up at him his light blue eyes were on me again making a stupid smile go across my face.

Why was I such a spazz?

"What?"  I finally choked out.

"I forgot something."  Holden said slowly and then leaned in and kissed me one light time lightly on the lips.

The kiss was simple but, when I pulled away I couldn't help but, blush once again.

"We need to go outside."  I said abruptly and Holden seemed a little confused but, nodded this time actually following me out.

Once we both stepped outside on the patio everyone was doing their own thing conversing in their own little groups.

Ava, Justin, and Lauren were taking shots.  Bridgette, Ryder, and Jackson were laughing about some inside joke and Cheyanne was relentlessly hitting on an unimpressed Adam who was sitting on a lounge chair looking through a deck of cards for god knows what reason.

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