"When can we release him?" Nia asked.

"Once his AI has been completely restored and considering how old this tech is, there's no way of knowing how long that will take." Lena said, literally right as the upload was completed and Brainy began to show signs of waking up.

"Wow, that was fast." Kara said.

"I'm draining the tank now." Lena said as she did exactly that, right as Brainy's eyes shot open and they zeroed in on J'onn.

"You." Brainy said and before any of them could stop him, Brainy thrust himself out of the pod and landed on the ground, kneeling with one of his fists slamming into the ground as he landed.

"He thinks you're Hank Henshaw. You might want to shift now." Kara said and J'onn nodded, but before he could, Brainy flew at him and put his hands around the martian's neck.

"You're going to pay for what you did to me." Brainy growled at him.

"I'm not Hank Henshaw." J'onn managed to gasp out.

"Sure you're not. And I don't know why you or your friends would release me, but it will prove to be your undoing." Brainy said, only to be stopped Nia lassoed him with dream energy and pulled him off J'onn.

"J'onn now." Nia said and J'onn nodded as before Brainy could recover, J'onn supersped up to him and restored his memories.

"J'onn." Brainy said when the process was complete.

"Are we good here?" J'onn asked and Brainy nodded.

"Apologies for my reaction, but to be fair, I didn't know you weren't the same man who captured and tortured me." Brainy said as Nia let him go.

"Fair enough. But you recognize us now?" J'onn asked and Brainy nodded as he turned to face Nia.

"I see that once again, you're stopping me from making a mistake I would've regret." Brainy said and Nia smiled.

"I could be with you if you killed one of our friends. Which would be a real shame considering the fact that ever since J'onn woke me up to this world, I've been looking for any sign of you." Nia said as she pulled Brainy into a hug.

"Welcome back." Kara said.

"Thank you Kara. Alex, Kelly. And Lena's here." Brainy said a bit distrustfully.

"And she's been forgiven for everything." Kara said and then to emphasize her point, she kissed Lena's cheek.

"So, you two are finally together." Brainy said.

"Wait, finally?" Lena asked.

"You do remember I'm from the future. There's a reason Mon-El moved on with Imra. He knew that he was never meant to be your soulmate." Brainy said.

"Speaking of the future, you're still from there right?" Kara asked.

"Yes I am and that's where Mon-El is now." Brainy said.

"Wait what?" Kara asked.

"Yes, in this new reality, when Mon-El's pod left Daxam during the end of days, his pod hit a temporal disruption on it's way to Earth, which sent him to the future, where he was quickly taught true morals and once again became the founder of the Legion of Superheroes, which includes Imra, who is once again his wife, though without his conflicting feelings for Kara, now they married for the right reasons, along with myself once upon a time and several others. I came here for the same reason I did before. To escape the AI plague that my evil cousin unleashed, but when I arrived, I was captured by Hank Henshaw and imprisoned in this facility to be used for some kind of experiment though I don't know what kind." Brainy said.

"Well you're free now." Kara said.

"Wait, backing up, are you saying that you knew that Kara and Lena would end up together. Even back on Earth 38?" Alex asked him.

"I thought that was implied." Brainy said as all eyes turned to him.

"And you never thought to share that little piece of information? Might've changed a few things if I'd known." Kara said.

"I couldn't interfere with the timeline by revealing this information to you. And even if I had, would you have believed me if one day, I just walked up to you and said 'hey Kara, guess what, someday you're going to end up in a relationship with Lena Luthor.' How would you react?" Brainy asked her.

"Fair point." Kara said.

"But you couldn't have told me? I would've been more than happy to interfere in Kara's love life on behalf of the timeline." Alex said and Kara rolled her eyes at that.

"Well, what's important is that Kara and I are finally together and now the Superfriends are back at full strength. Let's get to work turning this place into a proper base of operations." Lena said and they all nodded in agreement.

Second Chances: Supergirl - Rough DraftWhere stories live. Discover now