Author's Note

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'Sup my demons,

I love Supernatural!

I love ddlb/bdsm!

So I added the two and now you have this book!!

I will take requests, so let me tell you how to request. You can give as little or as much info as you want. Personally, if I make a request I want the writer to make it MY vision, so I'll give a load of different details. Just know, if you don't give me a ton of info and I don't make it your vision, that is NOT my fault. 


Daddy- .....

Little (or whatever you want their daddy to call them)- .....

Any other characters.

Info- What are they doing, how old are they, the setting, etc.

Then I'll do it and dedicate the oneshot to you!!

My favorites are Little Dean and Daddy Cas, but if you request I will do whatever you want!!

Welp, let's get this bitch started.

Supernatural DDLB OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now