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Three years later

"Faith, baby, go ask daddy for your sandals," I say

"Otay, mommy," she says, running away to Rayden. "Daddy santals!" I hear her demand. I start laughing and turn to her sister. Just a few months ago Hope started calling herself a girl like her sister. We're not sure if the gender will stick or if this is who she will want to be for the rest of her life, but we always know she has the option to change and be whoever she wants to be. She is younger than her father was when Rayden made the decision, but she is smart cookie, and she chose her pronouns, so we abide by them.

I watch Hope standing in just her Toy Story briefs with her arms crossed and kneel to her level. "Baby girl, what is wrong?" I asked the pouting three-year-old.

"I wan to wear sissy's jatet," she mumbles under her breath, and I smile. Hope is everything like Rayden except for the color of her clothes. Faith likes bright colors more, while Hope likes the darks. But Faith isn't as difficult as Hope can be. They both wear just about the same outfits. Faith loves a dress every once in a while. But Hope doesn't like dresses. She says she can 'feel the breeze down there' and hates it. It's hard even to get her into a one, so we don't even try. They love switching their clothes for fun. And of course, we let them choose.

"You want to wear sissy's jacket?" I repeat in understanding. She nods her head and I nod mine at her. "Faith baby, come see Mommy." I hear her footsteps along with my wife's down the hallway.

"What's wrong" Rayden asks. But I just smile and nod to the girls for her to watch them.

"Faith, sissy wants to ask you something." I look to Hope to ask.

"Tan I wear your jatet?" Hope asks with a slight plea.

We both know Faith will say yes. That's the thing about them. Faith always tries to protect Hope's feelings and give her what she wants to make her happy. Maybe it's because she's a couple of minutes older. We don't know.

She grins and starts taking the jacket off and helping Hope into it. They hug, and Faith kisses Hope's nose the way we do. I look up to Rayden, and she's at the door frame smirking and shaking her head.

"How do you get her to tell you what's wrong. She just gets so angry and shuts down for me." I walk over to her as the girls scramble past us down the halls.

"Her temper reminds me of someone else's... Hmmm, who might that be?" She pulls me into her, and I try to kiss her, but she stops me from connecting it.

I look up to those clear blue eyes I love. "Nah, doesn't ring a bell." We both laugh, and she pulls me into her.

The kiss starts to deepen as my tongue roams around the depths of her mouth. She moans into my lips, and I push her away gently. "Baby, let your parents pick them up first. Then we have the whole night to ourselves."

She grabs my ass, digging her nails into my skin, and I groan in pain and pleasure. I bite her lip before the doorbell interrupts us.

"Mommy! Pawpa here," I hear Faith scream. "Hurry!" she commands again.

"Your child is going to be the death of me," I say, laughing.

"I know what is up with her and all her demands? I feel like I'm the child sometimes." We both chuckled, and she grabbed my hand, pulling me to the front to open the door.

I open the door, and Alex and Elliot both take a twin, saying their hellos.

"Papaw, I says tome in! Why not?" Faith asks shrugging her shoulders.

"You has teys, Pa" Hope joins.

Alex and Elli look at us, and Rayden and I just shake our heads at them. "Take them pleasseeeee We're begging you." Ray whines.

"Daddy, you no want us?" I try to hide my smile at Hope's pouting for her dad.

Ray grabs her cheeks while Alex holds her, and she kisses her nose. "No, lovebug, I do. I love you guys so much... You just give daddy grey hair." I burst out laughing, and they both tilt their heads in confusion.

Alex pushes Rayden away. "Ray, stop messing with my Grandbabies." She puts her hands up in defense.

Elli hugs her daughter with Faith in between them. "Okay, sweetie, you know the Friday night drill. Give your kisses because once they see their cousins, you won't see them again until tomorrow."

She's right. We've tried. Every Saturday, Alex, Elliot, and my mom and Dad take every grandbaby in for a sleepover to give all the parents their own time. Sometimes we all meet up for family dates, and sometimes we all stay at our own homes for the night. Either way, it's good to pass the girls to someone else for a night.

And even though we get the night off from them, we still try to make night calls for kisses. But once they see their cousin, we do not exist anymore, so they never talk to us on the phone. Eventually, we stopped calling.

Rayden and I smother the girls with love and kiss and hug her parents' goodbye. She closes the door and turns to me, smirking, "What?" I ask, and she grabs my ass, lifting me up. I wrap my legs around her hips, and without answering me, she starts taking me upstairs.

I giggle and lay my head into her the crock of her neck, enjoying the free lift to my room. She tosses me on the bed and starts dropping every article she has on. I lick my lips at all her body, and she pulls me to her, doing the same. I stand there just as bare, and my face flashes with red. I slowly lower to my knees, coming face to face with her shaft.

My eyes never leave hers as I stimulate her closer to a release. She stops me and pulls me up to kiss her, and I reach for the drawer with our condoms.

She grabs my hand, and I pull from the kiss looking at her. "No condom?" I ask with a smirk

"No condom"

"Another baby?"

She chuckles and nods her head. "Yes, baby, we can have another one." I start clapping and cheering. I've been asking for a few months because I had baby fever, and she's finally saying yes.

She stops my cheering and pushes me down onto the bed. She placed herself between my legs as our juices began to mix. I get lost in her love as she strokes inside me over and over again. She was picking up her speed and slowing down at the right moments.

I feel her stroke harder and faster into my core as our rhythm syncs. She thrust into me, hitting a spot of constant euphoria, and my moans are like screams as I feel her cream shoot inside me.

She brings me into a heated kiss. Sucking and biting on my lips. Keeping inside of me and lifts me up to lay on top of her. I trace patterns on her nipple as I regain my breathing. "Lord, please DO NOT give us twins again. I cannot handle another two of these little stinkers."

I smack her chest and laugh. "We get what we get!" She shoves the pillow over her head and groans. "I love you Rayden," I whisper softly.


"And Always." 

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