Chapter Twenty-Four

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Thus far, our honeymoon has been so great. Each day we do a different activity. We went deep-sea snorkeling on Thursday, had a couples massage yesterday, and today we are going to swim with dolphins.

Right now, we're eating lunch before at some floating tables and benches in the water. I watch as she eats her food, and I can't help but admire her. I can admit when she told me about her missions, I was terrified at first, but I understand that I could not judge who she was when she had to work for them.

I'm just glad she doesn't have to go through any of that again. It's been two months since she came home and we got married, and I haven't regretted, even for a second, making her mine. I know asking her to marry me was sudden, but it's what I have always wanted.

I glance at her in her purple bathing suit and her long curly hair. I watch as she scarves down her food. She's been eating a lot lately, and I think she's swelling up from eating so much. It's like they did even feed her while she was on the mission. She gives me a toothy grin. "What babe?"

"You eat like an animal woman."

She pouts. "I'm sorry, I'm just hungry," she says, rolling her eyes but continuing to eat.

"It's okay, you're beautiful... even with sauce stuck on your upper lip," she chuckles, and I wipe it with my finger and bring it to my mouth, sucking it off.

"I'm nervous about swimming with the dolphins... what if they don't like us."

I start laughing. "Baby, we'll have an instructor, there's nothing to be afraid of. Plus, they'll love you just like I do." She grins at my words.

We finished eating and made our way over to the instructor. It was just us, so we would only get to play with one dolphin. The instructor introduces herself and explains the experience. I can tell Olivia is nervous, but she looks adorable staring out at the water. Once everything is explained the woman walks us to another area, before calling for the dolphin.

"This is a hydrophone. It allows me to hear and record the dolphin's echolocation signals underwater," she says, pointing to her earpiece and device. Liv grips my forearm while grinning from the lesson. Within seconds of the call the dolphin comes, and Liv clings on to me tighter. I rub her back, and she relaxes. "This right here's Leia. She is two years old. If you two want, you can feed her a fish to get her to open up to you!" the instructor says.

We both nod and grab a small fish out of the bucket she hovers in front of us. The dolphin's head comes above water, and we put the fish close to her nose. She takes them, and the Lady instructs us to pet her head slowly, one at a time.

Liv is hesitant at first, but when she puts her hand out, the dolphin moves to her instead. "Wow, she likes you," the instructor says.

"See, I told you." Olivia smiled and started rubbing the dolphin. The instructor says a command to the dolphin, and she swims away. We both look at her confused, and she points to Leia right as she jumps in the air and does a backflip. Olivia gets super excited, clapping her hands and cheering. I laugh at her, and we watch as Leia comes back to us, swimming into Liv's side gently.

The instructor hands me a hoop and commands the dolphin to jump through it. We see all the tricks the dolphin can do, but for some reason, she always swims back to Olivia, attaching herself to her.

The instructor allows us to ride with her for a while and I just watch my wife. She's much less scared of the animal now, grabbing hold of her fin and getting pulled away.I smile big and admire how much of a good time she is having. When she comes back, she stands beside me and the dolphin just stays beside. We both look at the instructor as she holds her earpiece, and her eyes grow big with a smile on her face.

Leia comes to me, and I grab on being drawn away before I can hear what Olivia and the instructor talk about. As I'm being pulled around, I watch them, and Liv smiles bigger than the instructor before hugging her.

I wonder what they were talking about. I get back over to them, and when I ask Liv what it was about, she just says she'll tell me later. We continue enjoying our time, and once we are done, we head back to the bungalow to shower and get ready for dinner.



Our honeymoon is coming to an end, and I still haven't told Rayden what the instructor told me. She keeps asking me, but I change the subject every chance I get. Not because I don't want to tell her but because I want to confirm the instructor's theory before telling my wife.


The dolphin stops beside me and doesn't move. We both look at the instructor, and she holds her earpiece smiling. I watch Ray get pulled away by the dolphin and turn to the Lady.

"I know that sound all too well," the instructor says smiling.

"What is it?"

"Leia is sending echolocation signals to your stomach. Now I see why she's been attached to you."

I furrow my brows, "Why my stomach?"

"I think she thinks you're carrying." My eyes light up, before it hits me, and I start cheering. "Many dolphins will send ultrasound signals to a woman's stomach to see if there is a fetus there. If her suspicions are right, you might be pregnant."

I start jumping up and down, hugging her. "I'm guessing this is good news."

I nod my head, "Yes, great news."


I sit on the sofa, looking back at Rayden's naked body sleeping on the bed, then turn my attention to the calming water. The dark sky reels me in as I count the many tiny stars. I start rubbing my belly. "I had a hunch you might have been there before today, even though I haven't got any morning sickness," I whisper, not wanting to wake Rayden. "But I was too afraid to check because I wasn't doing so well mentally."

I sigh and start drawing patterns on my bare stomach. "If you're in there... give mommy a minute to get back into the correct headspace before you come. I want to be the best I possibly can be for you. I already know your daddy will be amazing."

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