Chapter Twenty

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"Do you guys really have to go?" Elliot asks from the bathroom brushing her teeth.

"Yes baby, you should know by now when they call, we answer. It's just a meeting with the agency and Olivia about her joining our team," I say, walking behind her and wrapping my arms around her waist.

"I know it's just... you're bringing Rayden with you. I don't want her involved. We were able to keep the girls away from your line of work for so long. Camden is your mini-me, so of course, he followed in your footsteps. But Rayden...she's, my baby."

She spits and rinses her mouth. Then leans back into me. I sigh into her neck and kiss her sweet spot on her neck. "Baby, Ray's been chasing fires for the last couple of years, which is just as bad. Besides, she won't be getting involved. The agency is just loaning them the jet for 2 weeks for their honeymoon as a congratulation. Plus, Addy is the one you have to worry about."

She starts laughing. "Well, she can't keep her legs closed long enough to stop having kids and even think about joining your field. I think she's happy as a social worker."

I admire her in the mirror. God, she has aged like fine wine, and I still can't get enough of her. She turns to face me and fixes my suit collar, then runs her hand over my tight, slicked back hair. "You're so beautiful," I say, staring into her green eyes.

She smacks my chest lightly. "Oh quit it, you know I'm as old as a bag of potatoes. We're grandmothers now Alex."

I laugh, pulling her closer to me. "You've barely aged, Elli. You don't look a day over 30." She shakes her head. "I'm just waiting for Rayden to pop up and tell us she's a daddy."

"Oh, lord! At the rate they're going at, I wouldn't be surprised if Liv was pregnant already. When it comes to Olivia and the choice to use condoms, Ray is definitely your child." We both start laughing.

"Oh my goodness, I can't believe they hid the fact that Olivia was pregnant for so long. We taught them to be honest and tell the truth and come to us if we needed anything. I'm guessing all those teachings just went right over the youngest one's head."

"It always does." I sigh and she chuckles into my chest. "But they made it through. I too wish we could have helped them through it but it's in the past and those two are going to continue to be attached at the hips, no matter what. I'm definitely not too happy about them not being more careful while they were in high school though."

"That's your kid for you."

"Baby, she was 17. I never got anyone pregnant at that age."

"That you know of. If i'm not mistaken you used to sleep with everyone and their mama."

I shake my head. "Not true. I only slept with my children's mothers..."

She scrunches her nose, "What a liar."She smirks, shaking her head. "Liv and Ray only got to see each other for a few days do you think..." We both go silent and look into each other's eyes.

"Yeah, she's probably pregnant already." We both say at the same time, bursting out laughing. We know how Rayden is when it comes to Olivia. She has always wanted a family with her. When Olivia left, it broke Rayden.

She never wanted to eat, she slept all the time, and her anger issues increased tenfold. She lost the one thing that meant everything to her. So to see Liv leave her again, I didn't know how Rayden would handle it. But it seems like she's been okay. Them getting married was the best thing that could have happened for them. I know she's excited to finally be back with Liv.

The creaking of the door to our bedroom opening pulls us out of our laughter. A chubby baby girl comes running in, and I swoop her into my arms.

"Good morning, Kayla," I say.

"Morning, Papaw," she says, grinning ear to ear. "Daddy says to come to get you."

I smile and kiss her cheek. "Okay love bug, let's go see your dads." I start walking out the room, and Elliot follows behind me. As we got closer to them, I put her onto the floor so she could run to them.

"Good morning, my children!" I say, walking into the living room

"Good morning, Alex," Miguel says, laughing and picking up their daughter.

"Are you ready?" I nod to Camden. Cam is supposed to be taking over for me when I leave the agency. After Elliot was abducted when Adelaide was 4, I found out Roger was pulled from the FBI and was a part of covert operations for a different intelligence agency.

He did undercover jobs for them, taking out any bad guy they sent a file on. Although we aren't retiring just yet, we still are grooming Cam to take over. The Agency recruited Camdem straight out of college, almost like Olivia. Luckily, he didn't need protection like she did, so he trained at the local office.

I grab my keys and turn to them, "We have to pick up Ray and Roger." I turn back to see Elli holding the handle of my suitcase with a frown on her face.

"Baby, it's only 3 days. I will be back in no time," I say, pulling her closer to me and kissing her cheek.

She wraps her arms around my neck and pouts, "What if Addy goes into early labor?"

"She has 3 weeks left baby. We will definitely be back before then. Plus, this is her 4th child! I think we all know how this goes by now if she had the baby before." She rolls her eyes at me.

"I guess you're right... I love you," she leans in for a kiss. I savor the taste that I could never get tired of before pulling back.

"I love you too, Momma bear!" She smacks my shoulder, and I chuckle, "30 years together, and you still hate it."

"Get out of here, asshole! Move it. Take your son with you." Camden comes around me and hugs his mother. She kisses his cheek. "Be safe... and look after your father. She's getting old."

I gasp at the audacity. "Watch yourself, woman," she smirks, and I give her one last kiss before grabbing my suitcase and leaving Miguel, Kayla, and Elliot behind.

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