Chapter Twenty-Three

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From the second we walked into the headquarters, I listened to everyone address each other by agent, sir or ma'am. So, when Olivia didn't address her boss correctly, it piqued my interest. Were they a thing? The thought made my stomach turn.

After we got back on the jet alone, we were taken to a villa in the Maldives for our honeymoon. I was in awe of the view, how clear the water was, and how amazing the overwater bungalows were. We get to ours and settle ourselves in. I haven't spoken to Liv much the whole way here, and I don't know why.

I guess the thought of her, and Lacey together leaves a sour taste in my mouth. After my shower, I sat on the bed in my swim trunks and sports bra as I flipped through channels on TV waiting for her.

Olivia walks in with a very short white cotton robe and a red bathing suit. Instantly my attention turns to her. A smile rises on my lips as I watch her prance around the room, taunting me. She bends over to get something out of the mini-fridge, and the robe raises up slightly, showing her ass cheeks.

The site causes my member to grow. She leans up and turns, smirking at me. ''Like what you see?" she says, raising an eyebrow.

I bite my lip. "Hell yes... I love it." She chuckles and walks toward me with two glasses and a bottle of Rosé. "Ohhhh, yes, bring that and you here, now!" I say, pointing to the bed.

She walks over and straddles my hips with the glasses and bottle still between her fingers. I grab the bottle from her and pop it open, pouring it as she holds the glasses.

I place the bottle on the nightstand, and she hands me mine. As we both sip our wine, my eyes never leave hers. She starts laughing. "What, Ray?"


"You're lying. I know it. What are you thinking about?"

"Did you and ..." she starts laughing at me, and I grab her ass, digging my nails in. she winces in pain. "Don't laugh at me. I just want to know."

She stops laughing and takes a sip of her drink again. "We were once a thing, but our feelings were not the same, so we ended it."

"So, who's feelings weren't the same?" she laughs at me again, and I smack her ass.

"Ow! Baby, are you jealous?"

"No! She can't give you this dick like I can, so I don't know why I would be jealous," I say, smirking.

Her hand goes to my swim trunks, rubbing against my bulge. "She definitely cannot," she whispers into my ear. I moan to her touch but grab her wrist to stop her.

"Truth Liv."

She sighs and sips her Rosé again. "Me... I didn't have the same feelings for her. My heart belonged to you Ray. It always will. Now can you not deny me. I'm horny."

I grin at her answer, taking both of our glasses and setting them down on the nightstand. I grab her hips and flip her over, attacking her body with bites and kisses.



I lay against her chest feeling it rise up and down. She traces circles on my skin as we try to slow our breathing. We were supposed to go enjoy some of the entertainment on the island today, but we had 2 weeks, so we spent the rest of the day in between the sheets.

She can be a rough lover when she wants to be, but ever since we've gotten married, she's been so tender. Don't get me wrong, I still get really sore because she's massive and stretches my walls. So even after we make love for so long, I can barely walk sometimes. It's like I'm wobbling, and she always thinks it's funny.

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