Chapter Thirty-Two

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It's been three weeks since Olivia woke up and the twins were born. Liv decided to stay at the hospital to continue her physical therapy. Even though she has been healed for six months, she hasn't moved the leg she broke beside the PT we did for her while she was in the coma. Every day she works on getting stronger. She has some discomfort and pain, but it doesn't stop her from walking around and seeing the twins.

Olivia was right, Hope is like Dad and me. Our children can choose who they want to be and just as I was raised Hope will be able to choose a gender when the time is right. When we got the results back, and Olivia was so happy to know that she wasn;t going crazy while in the coma.

Olivia started breastfeeding them last week when they were fully able to latch on. Because I no longer work at the station, I am at the hospital with her every day, helping her with therapy or admiring her bonding with our babies. The family comes to visit every couple of days, but for the most part, they give us our privacy to heal as a family from her being gone for six months.

We haven't told them the names of the our twins yet. They bug us, but we tell them we'll let them know at the house party in another week when we get to take the babies home.

I'm holding Faith while my wife breastfeeds Hope. Faith is a little bit more complicated in latching, so she went first, and now she's asleep in my arms. They have gotten a lot bigger since they were born.

I look at her, and she looks exhausted and in pain from the feeding. "Liv, if you don't want to breastfeed because it hurts, you don't have to, baby. We can talk to the doctors about other options." She nods and goes back to watching Hope.

I watch her outline every detail of the baby's face in front of her as her eyes light up. Having her awake is the best feeling I've had in a long time. She looks at me. "What?" she asks, and I realize I'm smiling at her.

"Nothing, you're just so beautiful. And our children are beautiful." She blushes to my compliment and looks down at Hope sleeping in her arms. She pulls the baby from her nipple and covers herself back up. We both get up and place the babies into their crib together, and we watch as their sleeping bodies find their way back to each other. I pull her to my side, holding her tight.


The twins are now a month old and were allowed to take them home. The home with all our family is waiting for them. I pull up to the house, and we each grab a car seat carrying them inside. Hollering and cheers are heard as we walk in, and Olivia's face turns red. She puts the car seat down and grabs Faith out of it. Everyone starts to pull her into hugs.

Gina comes up smirking, "Welcome back from the dead bitch!" Her wife slaps her arm, and the whole house busts out laughing.

"Gina, you never changed," Liv says.

"Of course not. Why would I ever, you guys love it." We all smile and roll our eyes.

Before I can grab Hope, dad comes to take the other twin out of the car seat. "Hi, little one," She says, kissing our babies cute button nose, "I heard you're special like your daddy and papa." I smile at them, and she takes our baby away to Mom.

I watch as Macy passes around hand sanitizer to everyone being the fantastic doctor, she is to keep our kids safe. Roger and Tracy see me and walk towards me. "How are you doing?" Tracy asks.

"I'm doing wonderful, now that she is awake," I smile. "You?"

"We're doing great. We wanted to thank you?" Roger says.

"For what?"

"Helping our daughter come out of the coma," Tracy says.

I shake my head and smile. "I did nothi..."

Roger cuts me off. "We talked to Olivia when she woke up. She said sometimes she would be able to hear you talking to her guiding her back. Whether it be her body healing or you, helping her out of it, you were there every night and every day and never gave up on her. You have loved our daughter unconditionally even after she has been taken from your grasp countless times. And for that, we Thank You." A tear escapes my eye, and I wipe it away, hugging them both.

The clinking of glass is heard behind me, and we all turn to face Olivia and Faith. I smile at her and grab Hope from my mother. She pouts but knows she'll get tons of quality time with them.

We stand on the step, as a family, looking at the rest. "I want to, first, Thank everyone for coming," Liv starts, "and I want to thank my beautiful wife for making my dream home come to life. Damn, you did an amazing job, baby." They all start laughing. "I want to say that I am grateful to be awake and am blessed to have such an amazing family stick by my side during this long recovery." She raised her glass. "Without further ado, I'd like to introduce you all to the new additions of this already big ass family."

"Meet Hope Noelle Reed," she says, pointing her glass to the little baby girl in my arms.

"And Faith Aleah Reed," I say, pointing mine to the bundle in her arms.

They all holler and cheer, and I grab Olivia's waist pulling her into me and kissing the side of her head. "Thank you for crossing everything off on my list," She whispered to me. I pull back from her and realize what her parents said about hearing me was true. I only mentioned that list to her once in the hospital when she was unconscious. I smile from ear to ear, knowing that she heard me.

"You're welcome," I whisper back into her.



When all the guests leave, Rayden and I put the babies in their nursery. I lean back, relaxing into her. She kisses the back of my head, and her arms roam to the front of my body. We laugh as we watch Hope start to suck on Faith's little chin.

When I woke up, everything was a blur. I was scared to push them out because I wasn't sure they were ready. I wanted them to stay inside where I could keep them safe. But with Rayden holding me and talking me through it, I was no longer scared. Her strength was mine at that point, and I am lucky to have such an amazing wife by my side through it all.

Getting to see the house for the first time was amazing. She took everything from my diary as a kid and made it come to life. She built this home for our family from the ground up.

I smile, and she takes me to our new bedroom for the first time. We quickly shower, and she hands me the shirt I once punched her in the stomach for. I pull it onto my body with nothing under but panties and climb on top of her under the covers.

Her hand snakes under the shirt and starts drawing patterns on my skin. I look up at her. "Thank you for this house, Rayden. It's everything I ever wanted. You and our girls are everything I ever wanted"

She pulls me to her, kissing my lips gently, and we sit there for a minute savoring each other's taste. She pulls back, taking my face in both of her hands as I look into her crystal blue eyes. "Building this for you is what kept me sane. I wanted to fight, and scream, and tear everything up while you were gone. But building this house... It allowed me to do the opposite. Someone once told me to control my Rage."

I start giggling into her chest. "I love you."

"I love you too, Olivia."

"Forever?" I ask

"Always," she answers.

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