Chapter Sixteen

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I make it to the safe house hidden in the back of an old alleyway. I put my finger on the scanner, and it asks for voice recognition. "Name?"

"Agent Olivia Link." It makes an error sound and turns red. I tilt my head in confusion.

Ooooohhhh Todd, you big mouth.

"Try again. Name?"

"Agent Olivia Reed."

"Welcome back, Agent Reed." The machine answers back and unlocks the door. I walk in, making sure to close it behind me. As I walk into the safe house, I see a bunch of computers, TVs, desks, filing cabinets with a bunch of government material from ages ago.

Nobody is here but me. The giant screen flicks on in front of me, and my boss's picture comes up. "Good morning Agent Reed."

"Good morning Agent Lacey; how'd you know about my name change? Todd, are you there?" I say with a stern look.

Agent Todd steps into the camera frame, "Sorry, Liv, they asked why I got you a marriage license." I shake my head at him, waving him off.

"It's fine, Todd. Lacey, how long will this take? I'd like to get back to my wife. Why isn't González dead?"

She sighs, "The bullet went through her spine, but her men got to her before we did. She's heavily guarded at a hospital in Colombia."

I sit in the chair and breathe deeply. "So you want me to finish the job?" She nods, and I'm extremely pissed. When I came here at 18, I was supposed to be protected and stay behind agency walls. But during my training, they saw how good I was with weaponry, thanks to my dad, and took advantage of that.

They trained me to become a field agent. They had me hack into her systems, watching her every move and staking her out for years... just to kill her when I had the chance. Shit that they could've asked anyone else to do, not some scared 19 year old they ripped away from her family. They made me into a killing machine, a machine I'm glad wasn't around my family and Rayden. My thoughts go back to my wife, "How long?"

"Just a couple of months, unless you get it done sooner. Completely neutralize the threat, and you're free to go back to your family."

I keep silent. A couple of months away from Rayden seems like nothing compared to five years, but I still hate not being able to talk to her, so I have to get this done quickly. "There is something else." I look up at her, waiting for her to continue.

"Although we do not appreciate you getting hitched behind our backs, we understand why you did it. We kept tabs on Rayden as much as you did for the last five years. Don't think your morse codes and silent phone calls didn't go unnoticed." I sigh into my hands, knowing she's probably pissed.

I hear a noise behind me as if wheels are turning, and a drawer pops open. I look down to see what's inside, and my eyes grow big. "Are you serious? I've been asking for one for five years, Lacey. Why now?"

"That's why five years. We took you at 19, and not once did you try to leave. You accepted your fate and stayed with the agency even if it meant leaving the woman you loved behind."

I pick up the cell phone. "The agency is granting you and your wife your own stealth phones to communicate with each other. Under one condition, though."

I roll my eyes. There's always something else with them. "Continue working for us."

"I'm not working in D.C. Agent Lacey."

"We're not asking you to. The analyst on your father's team is retiring. After this mission is complete, join their team in Miami, and you can stay with your family Olivia. You're one of our best recruits, even if we forced you to work for us."

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