Chapter Twenty-Six

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The sunlight shining through the blinds wakes me, and I try to turn to shield myself, but the pain in my side stops me. I wince and lay flat as a nurse walks in. "Good, you are finally up. I'll call Doctor Reed in to talk to you."

Finally? How long have I been out?

Minutes later, Macy comes walking into the room, and my family comes in right after. They all look at me with red puffy eyes, and I know they've been crying.

I try sitting up by myself, but I can't so the nurses help me. "Rayden, try not to move too much. We had to put you in a medically induced coma for three days because you suffered from a broken rib and a little internal bleeding, which will take about six weeks to heal. You were very lucky."

I look up to her and the rest of my family. "How lucky was my wife?" I ask sarcastically. They all make a face that immediately causes panic to rise. "Answer me Macy," I say sternly.

"The car struck Olivia's side. So, she received most of the impact. She suffered from a broken leg and..." I look at her, waiting for her to finish. "Olivia had a brain bleed and we had to open her up to stop the bleeding."

"Okay? So, you stopped it, right? She's, okay?" I ask with hope.

They all look down to the floor, not wanting to meet my eyes. Macy sighs, "Rayden, Liv hasn't woken up yet."

"Okay, well you guys had me asleep for three days, so just wake her up like you did me." Mom starts to sob quietly into dad's shoulder, and I look at Macy with tears in my eyes. "Why can't you just wake her up Macy?"

"Ray, it was not medically induced. She is in a coma because her brain started to swell, and the stress was too much on her body. We don't know when she will wake up... or if she will."

I shake my head, not wanting to believe her. "There's something else." Macy looks at my dad, and she nods at her. "When Olivia came in... she was pregnant." I freeze, remembering that she had something to tell me at dinner. "She was pregnant with twins, Rayden."

Her constant use of the word caused anger to start boiling in me, and I tossed the blanket off me, ignoring the pain in my side, and forced myself out of bed to get to her. "Tell me they didn't die Macy!" I rip the tubes from my arm, breaking everything in my path. "TELL ME!" I scream, throwing a glass vase at the wall. Tears are streaming down my face, and I start to feel weak as it becomes harder to breathe. "Not again, please."

My dad rushes over to me, and I fall into her arms on the floor as she starts rubbing my hair to soothe me. "They aren't dead baby girl. They are still alive. Your babies are alive, Rayden." I listen to my dad's voice, as she tries to soothe me.

I cry into her arms, mad that I let this happen. I was enraged that she was in a coma. Furious that we might have had to relive what we did with Junie.

Dad lifts me into her arms and places me back in bed as they reattach the I.V. and tube to me. I look over at my family and then turn away towards the window, not wanting to see anyone anymore. I know they are here for support, but all I want right now is Olivia. "When can I see her?"

"Well, seeing as you could have messed your ribs up more, we need to get some new scans on you and have you rest a few more days before allowing you to see her."

I let my tears fall onto my arm. "I want to be alone," I whisper, and she nods her head, signaling for everyone to leave.

As everyone leaves, I start to drift off to sleep, not wanting to be awake and feel this pain anymore, but it doesnt last long before the nurses come back in to get more scans of my ribs.


A couple of hours go by, and a knock is heard at the door. I don't answer, but they come in anyway. They pull up a chair, and I notice it's my Aunty Jayda. She looks at me, and I start to cry again. "Hey! It's okay. She will wake up Ray. We just have to have hope," she says, rubbing my arm.

"This is all my fault, Aunty Jay. I should have been paying attention. But I thought I saw the green light," I cry.

"This wasn't your fault, Ray. You did see a green light, and it was your right of way. A drunk driver hit you guys." I look at her in disbelief, and she nods her head. "26-year-old woman intoxicated with a BAC of 0.30%."

"Are you fucking kidding me?" She shakes her head before continuing.

"She walked away without a scratch."

"Wow! Aunty Jay, please tell me she isn't walking away from this so easily?"

She starts laughing sinisterly. "Hell no, she might have walked away from this accident, but she will have not a cent left to her name and will never see the light of day again after I lock her ass up for life."

I smile through my tears, and she pulls me into a hug. "You just have to believe she will wake up, Rayden. When they let you see her, talk to her and your children. Walk them back to the light."

I wipe my cheeks and nod. She lets me go and walks out the door, leaving me again in the darkness alone.

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