Chapter Three

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When we make it to the beach house, we see that most of the family is already here. I turn off the vehicle and head inside. Tons of 4th of July decorations are hanging around the house, and the music is blasting. The sweet smell of pecan wood fire from the barbeque pit fills the air.

"Aunty Ray!" shrills come from my nieces. Evelyn and Mandy are Addy and Macy's daughters. Kayla is Miguel and Cam's daughter. They all run and bombard me with hugs, and I kiss each of their foreheads.

"Evie, where's your brother?" She looks around for him and points when she spots him.

"Mason is over there Aunty Ray." I look in the direction of her tiny finger and see Mason holding onto Addy's fingers as she walks him around. I get lost in a trance admiring my sister and her son before I'm pulled out of my thoughts by someone talking to me.

"Do you mind if I go get something to drink?" Chelsea asks. I almost forgot she was next to me.

I stand up to her level and shake my head. "No, sorry, go ahead. I'm going to go talk to my parents. Meet me over there when you're done?" She nods her head and walks to the kitchen.

I walk over to my parents and am instantly pulled into a hug. "Hey pumpkin," my dad says.

''Hey Dad... hey Mom," I say, pulling away from my dad and hugging my mom tightly. Sometimes I miss being young and able to spend more time with them.

"I heard there was a fire the other night, saw you on the news saving some little girl," Mom says.

"Yeah, it was nothing," I say, scratching the back of my neck.

"Nothing! Ray, give yourself more credit. You're really good at your job."

"Thanks, Dad," I say smiling.

"So, Chelsea....?" she questions.

"Dad don't."

She puts her hands up. "I'm just asking! The last time I spoke with you, you wanted to end it."

"I'm just... not ready yet. There's still something there you know. Maybe I just haven't found it," I try to reason.

Mom sighs. "Ray, I'm going to tell it to you straight baby girl. When you know, you know. There's no 'finding anything' ... it should just find you."

I nod my head about to respond, when Chelsea walks up to us, handing me a drink. "Hi Mrs. and Mrs. Reed," she says.

"Hi Chelsea, how have you been?" my mom asks.

I try to tune into their conversation but I'm pulled away by Macy and Addy. "Hi sissy!" Addy screeches.

"Damn Ads, you're worse than your children," I say, rubbing my ear. She pouts but pulls me into a hug.

Adelaide and Camden were my best friends when I was a kid, despite the fact that they are 12 and 8 years older than me. When she and her now-wife Macy moved out of our family home and into an apartment for college, I assumed she was gone for forever. I felt the same way when Cam moved in with his now-husband Miguel. Both of their relationships were a little rocky at the start. Macy battled a drug addiction, while Adelaide struggled to conceive for several years. Camden and Miguel's relationship was marred by several breakups and reunions before they were able to settle down and get married. I know both of my siblings adore their spouses, and I also know that loving someone isn't always filled with cupcakes and rainbows.

"I missed you."

"I live 20 minutes away Addy."

"Yeah I know, but you've been so busy at the station I haven't been able to see you much," she whines.

"Mays, come get your pregnant wife because she's too hormonal for me right now." They both start laughing but stop the moment someone comes up behind me. They both smile at each other.

I tilt my head, curious as to what they're smiling at, and when I turn around, my eyes widen and anger rises in me. In a split second, I had slapped the person in front of me before I could even comprehend what I was doing. She stands before me, completely unfazed by my physical aggression. I want to say I'm surprised by my reaction to seeing her again after all these years, but I always knew violence would be my first answer.

Now that everyone in the room has their eyes on us, I am embarrassed that I hit her in front of them, but my mind is unable to focus on anything but her. She tries to take a step towards me, but I step back. "Don't Liv!" I shout, and she stops in her tracks.

Her brother, Oliver, tries walking in-between us, but she puts her hand up to stop him. "Oliver, I got it," she whispers. He backs away, and Olivia starts walking towards me again. I walk backwards but I'm stopped by the couch hitting my calves.

My stomach is boiling with rage and all I want to do is take it out on her. She reaches for me and places her hand on my face but I swat it away. "Don't you dare try to touch me Liv!" But she doesn't listen. She brings her hand back to my cheek, but before I can move it away, she grabs my hand and brings her lips to my ear so nobody can hear her. I look around the house, and everyone is still staring at us.

Her warm breath tickles the side of my face. Yearning and desire take over and the irritation and anger I felt in the pit of my stomach begins to dissipate. "I cannot explain everything to you here. If you want to know why Rayden, meet me at this hotel at 8pm tonight. Room 3010," she says, sliding a piece of paper into my pocket.

I look at her shocked that she thinks I'd be willing to go see her. I push her off of me and grab Chelsea to leave. "Rayden," my sister tries to stop me.

"You knew about this?" I yell at Adelaide. She grabs my arm pulling me closer to her and whispers.

"Rayden, just hear her out. It's not what you think. Let her explain."

"The hell it's not Addy. Let me go." I yank my arm out of her grasp and drag Chelsea to the car.

"What was that all about?" Chels asks once she's settled into her seat.

"Nothing. I'm just going to drop you off at your family's party. I need some air."

"So you aren't going to explain why you just slapped that girl in front of your entire family?" I ignored her question. "You aren't going to stay with me at my family's party are you?" she pouts.

I look at her and sigh, "No Chels, I'm sorry. I'm not in the right headspace to be around anyone right now."

"Was it because of Olivia?" I grip the steering wheel, pissed that her name has come back up.

"I don't want to talk about it," I say through gritted teeth as I pull up to her family's house, and she jumps out of the car. She stops before walking away and turns to me.

"I love you." I don't answer her, so she closes the door and walks away upset. I can't say it to her. I said it one time because I thought it was how I felt... but the words felt so wrong coming out of my mouth. I only said it because she said it, and since then I have never said it again.

It felt wrong because it wasn't Olivia.

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