Chapter Seven

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I get back to the apartment and prance through the door with a grin on my face. The whole drive here all I could think about was last night and Olivia. My smile quickly fades when I see Chelsea in the kitchen though.

"Had a good night?" she asks. I avert my eyes from looking at her and don't answer as I reach behind her to get the bread. "I see you didn't sleep here?"

"Uh no. I slept at Addy and Macy's," I lie.

"Right... cool." I place the bread in the toaster, dancing around the topic of what actually happened last night." My parents were wondering why you didn't come yesterday."

I shrug my shoulders, "Sorry. Just had a lot going on." She nods her head and continues to eat her cereal. My toast pops out, and I grab the butter.

"So, is this how it's going to be now? Did I do something wrong?"

"No Chels, it's not you, it's..."

"It's you? Classic Ray. What the hell is your problem? Ever since you saw that Olivia chick you've..." I stop her from talking about something she doesn't understand.

"Leave it alone Chelsea. She has nothing to do with what's going on between us."

"The hell she doesn't. The sight of her all of a sudden causes you to cancel plans we already had. Then you stay out all night."

"I told you, I was at my sisters' place."

"Yeah? The same sister you were pissed at for knowing that Olivia was going to be at the party and not telling you."

"Stop saying her name!"

"Why?" she screams across the kitchen, and I ball my fist staring down at the counter. "Why am I not allowed to say this woman's name?"

"Because you don't fucking understand shit about the situation okay!"

"Okay so help me understand!"


"Why the hell not?"

"Because I don't want to talk about it."

"Talk about it at all or talk about it with me?"

"I don't want to talk about it with anyone. You aren't special Chelsea." She's caught off guard by my words and nods her head in understanding. As she gets up from the table and walks towards the sink to place her bowl, I realize what I just blurted out.

"I'm sorry Chels," I sigh. "I didn't mean it like that."

"Yes, you did." She stands with her back pressed against the counter and her arms crossed. "I'm confused Rayden. We were doing fine before she showed up."

"We weren't," I whisper, and she looks up at me. I can see I'm hurting her and try walking towards her to fix this, but she puts her hand up.

"I guess I was just blinded by love and completely delusional in thinking we were okay."


"No, it's fine Rayden." She walks towards the hallway, but stops in her tracks turning around, "Do you love her?" I'm taken aback by her question, and I keep quiet, not wanting to tell her the truth... but not wanting to lie either. "I see the way you look at her Rayden. You never looked at me like that."

"Chelsea, can we talk about this another time? I have work in an hour."

"You know what, we don't have to talk about anything at all. I'm going to stay with my sister for a while. Until you can figure out what you want."

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