Chapter 28: Unexpected Allies

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Wraith POV

Wraith opened his eyes and glanced around a pure white plain. He turned. As expected, Ignitus was standing, but instead of facing him, he was reading something. Wraith strode up behind him.


Ignitus whirled and stared at him. "Wraith? How did you get here?"

Wraith frowned. "You summoned me, right?"

Ignitus shook his head. "No, I did not, young one. In fact, I don't think anyone has managed to contact me on their own."

Wraith shrugged. "We'll need to figure it out later. Right now, we have a big issue on our hands." He told Ignitus about what had happened that morning.

Ignitus looked shocked. "How could this be? Cheetahs don't have dark forms, and all the dragons in Warfang suddenly turning dark is not normal. I sense Malefor's hand in this."

Wraith felt a twinge of fear run down his spine. "But Spyro and Cynder sealed him in the center of the planet," he protested. "How could he turn an entire city dark?"

Ignitus shook his head. "I don't know, but when you arrived, I sensed a taint of unfamiliar energy on you."

Wraith was speechless. "What kind of energy?"

Ignitus shrugged. "I'm not entirely sure. All I know is that I have never seen anything like it. By the way, I have been reading your book and have discovered something interesting. Aside from this new power, which allowed you to do that teleporting trick, you also have three elements, something I didn't anticipate. I only meant to turn you into a shadow dragon and—"

"Hold on, back up," Wraith interrupted. "Are you saying that my teleporting trick is because of this new power?"

Ignitus nodded. "Indeed."

Wraith frowned. "And what's all this about you originally wanting to turn me into a shadow dragon?"

"That was my plan. I have seen your thoughts and memories, and I saw an image of a dragon that you created while you were younger, so that is what inspired me to create your dragon form the way I did. However, when I was crafting the transformation, something changed, and instead of just the shadow element, you also had pure lightning... and wind."

Wraith tilted his head. "What's the difference?"


"What's the difference between pure lightning and electricity?"

Ignitus thought about that. "I think the difference is the amount of power. Lightning is a pure type of energy and basically the purest form of electricity. It's stronger than any other kind."

"Wow." Wraith was shocked (figuratively speaking). Then he remembered something else. "So, um, not to be a bother, but do you happen to know if I'm, um, dead? You know, with the arrow in my back and the shrapnel?"

"Oh." Ignitus grabbed a blue book seemingly out of thin air, and the pages started flipping all on their own. After a moment of scanning the book, Ignitus slammed it shut. "From what I can tell, your body is currently being moved."

"By who?"

"I'm not sure. There seems to be a barrier stopping me from accessing any point beyond you waking up."

"Does the book happen to say where I will wake up?"

Ignitus shook his head. "No, it does not. I wish you luck. And by the way, your clothes are self-regenerating."

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