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"What?!" as the girls almost spit out the food they are chewing.

"He said that?!" where Jisoo drops her jaw and get startled to help Jennie who almost fainted while Lisa slips from her chair.


"For real?!" as Lisa fixes herself.

Unexpectedly, Rosé nods in a very peaceful and calm manner.


Still with curiosity Jennie interrogates her with. "Then?! What did you do?!"

"Did you even asked him why he said that?!"

"Nope. Actually I am more relieved than worried."

They wanted to hurl an insult but they kept it into themselves.


But then again her Jisoo unnie won't let the time slip so fast that they didn't know the details of what happened that day so she utters with. "Wow! You're different. You didn't even bother to know wether he's joking or not."

"Exactly cause if I am in your shoes I'll dig deeper to know the reason he said that." agrees by Lisa.

Unfortunately, they can't press her to speak up and instead she tells them that she already set another schedule to meet Hyun-ki with Taehyung.

Hence, Jisoo and Jennie smirk while Lisa pats her forehead hard that hurts herself.



In the shop.

Jungkook who is holding Hyung-ki asks Rosé. "Isn't your cake shop's anniversary this month?"


"Are you still planning to continue to get more scholars cause I want to help too." he excitedly asks.

"Just like how you put it up because of me." he added.

As hearing those, Taehyung suddenly remember like a flashback where he questioned Jk twice about the reason behind Rosé's business.

Hence, he turns to him with crease brows.

"You know?" and tilt his head.

"Of course I know." Jungkook's answer while releasing a half wicked smile on him and left to join Rosé and Hyung-ki.


Taehyung was left confused with mix emotions.

And what made him totally insane that day is when an old lady commented.

"What a cute boy."

Which responded by Rosé. "He is ma'am."

"You actually look like him."

"And him... I supposed he is the father." pointing at Jungkook.


Later that night.

Taehyung felt ridiculous and disgusted thinking he got betrayed.

"He knew."

"He knew from the beginning."


He cannot bear the feel to be fooled so he just close his eyes.

Questions start to pop up one by one.

"But why?"

"What is the reason?"

"He knew?"

"He knew!" as he repeated in disbelief and rest his chin on his clench hands and teeth.


After that incident he decided to dig into knowing more about Jungkook.

And hurriedly calls his friends to ask for a favor.


[Though Taehyung wants to execute his plan as soon as possible he did not, instead they all agree to wait the heat to die down.]



Jungkook felt triumphant. "Finally, he knows already."

"This is just the start."

"I'll get back what's mine in the first place."

Then goes to Hyun-ki's room.

"I promise I'll bring her back."

"And never will your mother leave us again."

"Soon our family will be completed."

"The three of us will have a happy ending." while caressing Hyun-ki's head.


Weeks pass by.


Taehyung pays a visit along with Jimin to a correctional while the others do their usual business in order not to distract Jungkook and the girls about their moves.


At the correctional.

"Oh! wow! I can't believe to have visitors." as she gives them a big of applause.

"Am I not expecting a visit from famous lawyers?" she continues.

"Am I?"

"Anyway, It's an honor to see you here, Mr. Kim and Mr. Park." the woman's ridicule as she gives a quick glance on Jimin and moves forward to look straight in Taehyung 's eyes.


Taehyung who doesn't want to play around speaks in his stern tone. "I'm here with one purpose."

"To know the person behind this." with a very masculine deep voice he says.

And without expectations a loud laugh reverberates the place.

"Do you think you can get that person?"

"...Easily? Are you kidding me?" her mocking reply.

However, Jimin can't hold his temper from the woman's insult and just whisper. "Just answer him. Let's play the game later."

"And that if you can get out from this."

Thus the woman leans backward but with obnoxious smile. "I wonder why you needed my help then?"

"Aren't you all famous for being 'THE ELITE LAWYERS'."

"The famous...the top lawyers of the country...?"

And laughs again in her devilish way. "You didn't expect this to happen, aren't you?"

"You've been tricked all along."

"Can't you see that?!"

"Anyway, I don't want to waste your precious time so I need to go back and rest." as she gives them her biggest and loudest yawn.

"You need to figure out yourself who this person is and see what kind of person your dealing with."

"That person is smarter than you think that person is."


Taehyung who keeps his cool makes a deal. "If you help me I'll make sure to help you get out of this."

And the woman pause for a second.

"Well, let's just say I'm happy where I am right now and I'll just wait and watch for you all." her quick answer.

"Goodluck." then stands to turn back at them.


Taehyung can't hold to stop clenching his teeth as anger exudes from him.

Jimin who's trying to comfort him says. "We can't make her mind."

"I am pretty sure there's more way to find out who this person is and ways to stop him...or her."

"Let's go."


Taylor Swift - Don't blame me

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