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"Hey man what's with the face?"

"Aren't we supposed to be celebrating?"

But Taehyung once again faked his smile to hid what he discovered.

And then he asked. "Aren't those are in the jail already." after drinking his wine.


"You mean those two...?" in which they knew who is he talking about.

"Yes, why?"


However, in order not to conflict the night Taehyung joined them with smile to convince himself and his hyungs that he is okay.


After concealing his worries and fears, his hyungs cannot be tricked.

They knew that something is bothering him.

And they would like to know to help him without his knowledge.


After meeting with his hyungs, Taehyung immediately calls up Rosé.

"Hi!" as she gladly speaks to him.

And followed with. "I hope you had a great day."

"Is there something that you wanted to ask?"

"Nothing." as he continues to mask his burden.

"Are you sure?" she insists.

"Yes. Just want to make sure you are fine "

Saying that makes her feel satisfied. "My love, thank you and I hope you enjoy your time with them as well."

Then silence occurs until he asks her with. "You did choose me right?" even with hesitation.

Without any delay she reply him with. "Of course!" where Taehyung feel how genuine her answer is.

So he immediately says. "Rosé, I believe you."


And before Taehyung bid his goodbye. "Nothing will change between us no matter what." with emphasis he said before telling her with. "I love you." and hangs the phone.


Following day at the the firm.

"Has anyone seen Jungkook?"


When suddenly.

"I'm here." while casually putting his things on his table.

"Is there a problem?" as he scans everyone.

"Congratulations by the way Taehyung and Rosé."

And silence resounds around the office.


Though with questions and doubts everyone feel with so much relief.


Nonetheless, what everyone didn't know in reality after hearing that news.

Jungkook used to lock himself in his room to pour out the melancholy and devastation he is holding.


After that day the smile of Rosé he received was overwhelming.

How will he be able to say "No! It is not fine." cause the pain from inside his chest devours him and put him in total darkness.

"I am not okay."

"I am not ready to loose you."

"It isn't easy."


Her voice as she told him. "Thank you." shuttered him into pieces.

It is like an agony that wrestles inside his mind.

A torture.

A thorn that envelopes his heart.

And that night the ache made him to fell asleep in a soaked pillow.


Next day.

At the kitchen, Hyung-ki eats his breakfast alone that made Jungkook in tears after realizing how he somehow neglected his son and felt the guilt about it.

Thus, he calls Taehyung over the phone.

"I want to go straight talk to you about asking for Rosé's time."

"Can you please atleast for the last time let Rosé be with Hyun-ki."

"But I thought we're already..." Taehyung's protest.

"Just for one last time." his pleas.

"How sure you are that it will be the last?" and paused for awhile

Then he speaks again. "I don't know." as fear begins to sink in with Taehyung.

And follows with. "Jungkook..." as struggle of words are hard to form.

"Is there something..." as he breathes heavily.

"Something...? What?" Jungkook's reply.

"Nothing. I'll just ask Rosé about it."

Then he mumbles. "And of course, we can't say no to a kid." and sigh.


Weekend, Rosé gladly received the invitation from Jungkook.

"Oh! You don't know how much I miss Hyung-ki." as she walks to the kid and squizzes him with her hug.

"What took you so long to let me be with him." and then gives Jungkook a slap on the shoulder.

"You're busy, right? And I thought you won't like it." he said shyly .

"Who said that?! I love Hyung-ki so much." and give the kid a hug once again.

"I always have time for him, okay?"

"And that should be clear." she said.


That moment with Rosé made Jungkook feel regretful.

"Why did I let you go." he said to himself.


Few minutes after.

"Hi! Can I join?"

"Taehyung...?" in sync Rosé and Jungkook say.

"So you are Hyung-ki. Finally we meet young man." as Taehyung lowers himself to have a great look at Hyun-ki.

"I am uncle Taehyung. Your second father." his proud introduction to him.


The gesture that Taehyung shows is annoying to Jungkook.

He's getting into his nerve for joining them.


Few minutes after.

The two sits together while watching Rosé and Hyung-ki from afar.

Because of this, Jungkook has the time to confront Taehyung. "This could've been a family picnic." with a bit disgust on his voice.

And without giving Taehyung a chance he says. "I don't want you to say that to my son."

"You can be an uncle but can never be a father."


Taehyung raises his left brow and answers. "If he sees her as his mother so I need to be acknowledged as his father as well."

It made Jungkook to chuckle sarcastically so in haste he answer him with. "By saying that means you are allowing us to have a share in Rosé's life."

"Nope! Not you. Just to clear things up." as Taehyung sternly refuses him.


Later that day, Rosé saw him taking a medication.

"I didn't know your taking medicine." Rosé says in concern.

"It's just a vitamin."


Alessia Cara - I choose

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