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Another day for the Law firm.

Everyone stays focus and professional for the sake of their work.

No one utters a word as they see Taehyung comes in while Rosé is seated and busy working for her next possible case.



"Jungkook called and he might come back tomorrow cause his son is getting well." informed by one of the boys.

And during that time Taehyung, Jungkook and the rest received a text message.

"Do you want to know a S.E.C.R.E.T?"


"It's already 21st and yet there are still pranksters?" with disbelief they ask.


But Taehyung received another text saying. "You should dig more about J's so called son. That would be your alas."

While. "Are you still going to keep your faith in him if you will get to know the truth?" a message received by Rosé.

And for Jungkook who is busy taking care of his son gets angry when he reads. "Soon secrets will be revealed and all of you especially you are going to get destroy."


They did not mind it at first but when it keeps on messaging them non stop for days, it bothers them already.

So after work they sit together and talk about it.

Everyone is present including Jungkook.


"Okay guys, who among you have secret that needs to reveal?" Jin's bold introduction.

No one wants to speak up like Taehyung who decided to just silently listens to them.


"Isn't obvious that person wants to ruin and mess what friendship we have right now." Namjoon said.

Which nod and followed by Yoongi with. "Especially that we are making noise in this industry already."

"I agree with you and that probably just wants our attention." as Jimin place his both arms on the table.

"It's ridiculous. Why should we disclose it. For real? That's why it's called secret." a question made by Rosé for everyone.

However, Hoseok who understands his hyung said. "Guys you forget to read between the lines. What Jin hyung meant is different. Right...?" then they got enlightened.

"Whoever this person is. I'm sure I can't forgive him/her." as Jennie raised her right hand to anchored it on her chin while looking around.


And again silence echo the place till their phone started to buzz one by one.

"Good your having a meeting. I like it that you are paying attention at me."

It did suprise them.

But one of them signaled that they are being watch.

Then again they received another message. "I like how you are having a drama."

But in order not to be the puppet they dismiss the meeting.


Following morning, boys investigate the place for a possible hidden camera and as expected they found one.


On the other hand, while everyone is busy Taehyung called Jungkook.

He sits on his table while Jungkook decides to stand.

Taehyung moves a piece of paper towards him.

In return Jungkook who shows tranquility, picks it up.

He remains his coolness while raising the paper and says . "Is this all you've got?" while raising his brows.

"I promise you this won't end me. Fight me like a real man." and shows his not disturbed by it.

However, when he is about to leave Taehyung leans forward to say. "But I want you stop before it's too late. You know how it will hurt her if she gets to know the truth."

Still Jungkook shows no fear and  stays serene.

And in his usual way, he continues on what he is doing as if he did not receive any threat from his opponent.


But Rosé who saw it, felt terrible.

"What have I done?" as she almost crying to herself.

When suddenly she got interrupted when she receives a text from Jungkook. "Don't feel bad because you did nothing wrong."

Then she looks at him feeling sorry.

That scene irritates Taehyung so much that he wanted to punch Jungkook's face in front of everyone like a reward for himself.


The day is so intense and in order to distract Rosé, the girls surrounded her.


During break Taehyung invited her to eat outside which she gladly accepted.


Seeing them together like a happy couple made Jungkook's blood to boil though he knew he has no right to feel angry out of his jealousy.

But he made up his mind to follow them.


At the restaurant.

"Should I take my orders too?" he said and takes his sits in front of them.

That gesture is so provoking for  Taehyung but for the sake of Rosé all he can asks sarcastically is. "Where did you get that guts?"

While Rosé became uneasy.


Just in time all of their friends came and joined them.


"Let's eat together." they said.


Munn - Can you hear me

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