"Hah, nice," Killer grinned, "Ok then, I know what I want then,"

You look at him with a raised bone brow.




"I want a kiss on my cheek."

'IS HE INSANE!? WHO DOES HE THINK WE ARE!?' Corrupt roared, seething, making some of the corruption writhe and boil, but out of Killer's sight who had grinned after giving you his request.

Nightmare was off on the side, frozen and blushing.

And you... you were, with your whole willpower trying not to blush while keeping a stoic face and exploding on the insides as your eye socket went wide in shock.

Everyone went into a frenzy over this. (Reminds me of the Inside Out movie where everyone argued over who should take over the table to control what feelings Riley has when Joy and Sadness are gone).

You almost stutter as you speak, but you cough and manage to slightly hide your blush as you ask Killer to confirm his earlier statement, "You... want me to kiss you?!" you ask, slightly incredulously, allowing your mask to slip for a small moment.

"A pec on the cheek, bossman," Killer grins cheekily.

A small cyan blush fits over your cheekbones for a second but is gone in a blink of an eye. Huffing, you walk up towards Killer.


You block out Corrupts voice and then hear Nightmare meekly speak to you as well, a lavender blush apparrent on his face, 'Are you sure we should do this...?'

'A kiss is nothing bad, and I really need Killer on the team...' you trail but you mentally blush. When was the last time you kissed someone when you were reincarnated? OH YEAH, NEVER.

You had dated someone in your past life but that was close to 5 centuries ago!

Steeling yourself, you grab Killer's skull with your hands, surprising him, and hold an iron grip on his skull (still careful not to hurt him) and give him a small peck on the cheek.

'There' you think, 'Nothing bad, all's good, all's done'

Corrupt was furious, "Y/n! You are a king here! You are supposed to be held in high regard! Not- NOT-' Corrupt muffles his frustration.

Nightmare just blushes harder and lets a small squeak escape him after he realizes what happened and promptly leaves into the mindspace.

"There," you speak out after you cough awkwardly, voice almost meek but you steel yourself, "Are you satisfied with your choice?"

"Yep," Killer grins, "Glad to work with ya boss," he says as you open up a portal with a disgruntled look on your skull. Huffing, you tell him what to do,

"When you go in, request for #6 and he will show you around and bring you to your room. and there are other versions of you in there as well."

Killer gives you a mock salute and clicks his tongue, "Yes sir," then he promptly walks into the portal with a grin. As you close the portal, you allow yourself to blush, you knew Killer was- was like this!- but- you weren't prepared for it! What a dick! (That was your flustered mind speaking).

Taking in a few deep breaths, you calm down your blush and sigh. Later, Nightmare comes out, calmer, and Corrupt still fuming but not saying anything about it.

"Sorry," you mumble.

'Ah! No! It's alright! For me it was just unexpectant, but- next time, let's not jump into that stuff again? Boundaries maybe?'

"Mhm," you nod. Slumping down, you drag your back down as you were leaning against the wall and promptly used the tendrils to make a cocoon for yourself to die in. You were done with life right now.

'Hhhhhh,' You could hear Corrupt dragging a hand down his skull, 'Do not act so impulsively next time,' you hear and mumble in confirmation that you won't, 'Hold some credit to yourself, you are a king now! You are too nice, I swear,' grumbles Corrupt and you huff.

Unraveling yourself from the cocoon, you stand up and dust yourself off and look at the dust surrounding you with a grimace. Yeah, Killertale.

Shaking your skull, you open a portal to Dreamtale to Dreams statue, to make it able for Nightmare to talk with Dream as promised.


Axe recruited: Yes

Cross recruited: Yes

Killer recruited: Finally

Dust recruited: Yes

Error is an Ally: Yes

Make deal with Farmtale: Was done

4 years, 5 months until Dream breaks out

Wait... I'm Nightmare!? I Thought I Died!?Where stories live. Discover now