Insight: Yamaguchi Tadashi

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Tadashi was beyond nervous. No matter what Tobio told him, it did nothing to soothe the raging feelings inside him. There was a part of him that definitely wanted to confess to Tsukishima from the bottom of his heart, but if there was one thing Tadashi specialized in, it was anxiety and working himself up to the brink of an anxiety attack.

And knowing that he could not back out of this whole deal either, did nothing to calm him down. The managers had already decorated the whole room while they were at practice, Tobio had prepared the cable and was only taking last minute changes on the dishes they were going to eat, so there was no turning back now.

There was no turning back now, because if he did, all his friends would've spend their free time on absolutely nothing. Tadashi would've wasted their time in a very nasty way, and god forbid he did that.
But still- he just couldn't seem to get a grip. Here he stood, in front of the cafeteria, continuously peeking into the room.

Tsukki sat with Kuroo, Bokuto and Shoyo, who was not sitting but in fact shaking like a madman. Tadashi knew that he had to enter the room as soon as possible, and ask for Tsukki to follow him. Preferably before the middle blocker started eating, lest Tobio's food would go to waste. He couldn't risk that.

But did you know what he also couldn't? That's right. Enter that freaking room.

His palms were sweating profusely, and if Tobio would know, he would've already sent him to the bathroom. Tadashi keep on wiping his hands on his pants, not wanting to ruin his T-shirt. He would never admit if someone asked, but he had actually put some thought into his outfit. Plain shirt with shorts, but better than his training gear.

"Okay. Tadashi, you've got this. Take a deep breath." He took a deep breath. And another one. And another one. Fuck this.

Tadashi shook his hands, his arms and his head, before he inhaled deeply one last time, and entered the cafeteria. No one looked at him, everyone too occupied with their own food and friends. That fact relaxed him at least a little bit.
There was Tsukki, facing him with his back.

Oh god. What had he thought? Did he actually think he could do this? And what was he point for? For Tsukki to reciprocate his feelings? He was basically doing this only to be rejected in the end, right? Tadashi clenched his eyes closed. God, stand him by.
He reached Tsukishima and immediately tapped on the taller boy's shoulders. Kei turned around to look at him.

"Hey, Tsukki! Uhm can you- can you follow me for a second?" Tadashi wasn't able to look the blonde in the eyes.

"Sure. But- I haven't started eating yet." Tsukki looked back at his untouched food, before looking back at his childhood best friend and crush.

"I can eat it for you!" Shoyo said, already pulling the tray to his seat. His eyes sparkled at the prospect of also eating Kei's dessert.

"Ah, don't worry about that! Please just follow me for a second!" Tadashi bowed a bit, which had Kei immediately stand up.

"Stop bowing, Tadashi. We're past this, aren't we?" Kei furrowed his brows, and Tadash sweat dropped. He knew they had left this behavior in their past, Tsukishima claiming that it made him feel like they weren't close at all. But still, Tadashi's mind was going overdrive right now- could you blame him?

"Right, right!" Tadashi turned around and left the cafeteria, Kei following him obediently. The walk through the hallways was a quiet affair, and the whole time through, Tadashi was painfully aware of Kei's eyes on him. It made the little hairs on his neck rise, but it wasn't uncomfortable. Was it weird to say that he somewhat enjoyed Kei's attention on him?

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