Tobio: new beginnings

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"Okay. I know you always take your time, but Tobio, if you don't hurry up now, we'll be actually late." Kei leaned next to the door while furiously tapping his feet, while Tobio was preparing his bento for the first day.

"I told you. You can go." Tobio slowly answered while putting the rice into a separate tray than the soup.

"Yeah right. As if you aren't nervous right now." Kei scoffed at his friend.

"I'm not. I'm gonna be perfectly fine."

"Wh- it literally says you're nervous." Kei held up his platonic soul bond mark on his wrist to show Tobio what it said.

"I'm not. It's a scam." Tobio pouted. Ever since they had gotten the ink bracelets, it was way harder to keep his feelings from the other. Even though they have only known each other for a month plus.

"Yeah right." Kei went over to put the already packed trays into Tobio's bag. It was okay if he touched it, Tobio thought. It was Kei after all.
After that night that Kei slept over, the both of them quickly fell into a routine. Somehow Kei partially moved in during summer break, and Tobio had gotten used to the company. They'd have late night talks about everything possible and Tobio felt secure... somehow.

"Let's go now." Tobio said once he was finally finished, and Kei nodded. Tobio took a deep breath and walked next to Kei.
He didn't know what to expect from Karasuno, but he knew that he kind of hoped for a fresh start. For a place where he could be himself without being ridiculed, for a place where his past wouldn't be brought up.

"Are you really going to start practicing today already? You know, club activities don't start until next week."

"Positive." He had spend way too much time away from volleyball, and his fingertips burned in anticipation of finally touching a volleyball again.

"Whatever you say." Kei said and took in his surroundings. It was warm. Not hot, but the type of warm where he could wear his school uniform without getting hot in it.
Akiteru and Miwa had gone long back to Tokyo, and he hasn't heard anything from them since then. Well, he hasn't heard anything from Miwa, his brother on the other hand somehow hasn't stopped bugging him.
He has been focusing on getting to know Tobio more, and he had to admit that he found the boy endearing. Tobio understood sarcasm really well and also knew how to take a joke. Tobio somehow seemed to trust Kei which made him feel honored.
He enjoyed spending time with Tobio.

Soon, the gates from Karasuno came into view, and Kei parted ways with Tobio, in favor of searching Yamaguchi.
Tobio deeply inhaled before marching on to school grounds. He had freaked out the night before in fear of getting judged by all the other people there, but as he now made his way to the assembly, he couldn't help but notice that no one actually looked his way. It made his shoulders sag in relief.

The first years assembly was boring to say the least. When Tobio was in middle school, all assemblies somehow were more fun than this.
The vice principal seemed bored of the whole situation, so Tobio didn't even listen. He let his eyes wander around the room, if he had to guess, he'd say that there were about 200 people there.
He couldn't have been more relieved when the assembly finally finished and they were all supposed to go to their respective classes.
He decided to put in a stop at one of the vending machines, which were awesome here, and he bought some gun gun yogurt. After hands he wiped his hands and went to class.

His teacher seemed nice enough.
Luckily they didn't have too much classes that day since it was only the first day so Tobio was even more excited to go onto a court again. Even if he was alone there.
Once the bell rang, he exited the room and made his way to the gym. He changed into his schools sport gear and then started playing some volleyball.

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