Tobio, Tooru and Hajime: Fix it Felix

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Tooru could confidently say that he had never felt this... hideous and horrendous before.
Tobio had left the room, seeming so broken and destroyed, and it was his fault. It was his fault, because he just never knew when it was enough. He couldn't ever tell when to shut his mouth, and now he had to count the cost.
Hajime sat next to him, and if Oikawa wasn't shaking so hard himself, he probably would've felt Hajime's trembles.

"Wow." The first word after Tobio had left was uttered by no other than Ushijima Wakatoshi, who sat next to Bokuto Koutarou, Miya Osamu and Suna Rintarou. Kuroo and Kenma had moved to the couch, where they now found solace in each other's presence. Hinata was crying angry tears, and it made Tooru flinch.

Nothing was worse than hurting Tobio over and over again, but he now realized that he was also hurting the ones around him. His actions were taking a toll on the people Tobio was close to.

He wished he was one of those. People close to Tobio. Maybe one day that idea wouldn't even seem so far fetched.

"Of course it had to go this way. Of course you guys would come in and ruin everything." Wakatoshi spoke, clearly angry at the way things had proceeded. He wasn't the expressive type, but there was a crease on his forehead that told you just how angry he was.

Hinata let out a sob loud enough for the whole room to hear, and a single glance told Tooru that the tall beanpole was trying to calm him down, looking very distraught himself. Tooru did this. But- why the heck was Ushijima out of all people letting go of such a comment? Why the heck was Ushijima the one to reprimand him?

He was aware of his own mistakes well enough, thank you very much.

And- how had Tobio and Ushijima gotten close to each other anyways? When did that happen? How come his soulmate was friends with his worst enemy, and very close ones at that. What was it to him anyways?
A deep scowl appeared on Tooru's face at Wakatoshi's words. He knew he deserved to hear all the insults in the world, but not from Ushijima?

Anyone but Ushijima Wakatoshi. You know, if there was one thing Tooru didn't take his pride in, then it was his impulsivity and hotheadedness. He thought slower than he talked, and most of the times, the things he said would only register later. After he had already spoken his mind with no filter whatsoever.

And the way Ushijima was talking to him of all people really bugged him the wrong way. As if he didn't feel like shit already himself. As if he didn't know that what he did was wrong without Ushijima fucking Wakatoshi mentioning it for him. He rolled his eyes.

"You know, Ushiwaka." He spoke, but his voice didn't come out as confident as he wanted it to. One could hear how shaken up he was. "I know you have a crush on me." He raised a brow. "I would be stupid if I haven't noticed, with the way you literally thirst for my attention whenever we meet. So I'll tell you once now. If getting close to Tobio is a maneuver to get close to me in retaliation; you should just stop. You won't be getting that chance."

He didn't even mean to say this. There was no point in saying this; this had nothing to do with what just happened, and it did no one any good. So why did he? Tooru recoiled a bit at the silence that had settled in the room, no one talked anymore, everyone having different levels of confusion written over their faces.

Kei raised a brow at Tooru's words. Oikawa was such a contradicting character. Just what exactly did he want to achieve with these words? Kei's face morphed into distaste, and he clicked his tongue. He hated how one could never know just what exactly Tooru was thinking.

Hajime gaped at Tooru, not believing his ears. He had been so caught up in wracking off his brain to come up with a plan on how to make things right again, when Tooru marched in and decided to let his mouth take over again. He was rendered speechless. Iwaizumi looked at Tooru, from the bottom to the top, and noticed how his soulmate was shaking. Tooru gulped, looking around the silent room, and just wishing he was somewhere else.

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