Tobio and Kei: night changes

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"Hi Tobiiiii!
I have great news: I'm going to come over this weekend, and we can spend some time together! It's been way too long since we've last talked face to face! College has been busy, but I finally got a week off, so I can come for the weekend!
I'm sure we can find things to do, and we definitely have to catch up on each other's life! You're already going to Highschool after this summer break, how time flies!

Anyways, I'm looking forward to it, can't wait to finally see you again!


This weekend? It was already Thursday so she would be coming Tomorrow! That was way too short-termed! He still had to get everything ready! Hold up- what if Miwa had heard of what happened at his last middle school tournament? What if that was the reason she came to visit? Because she wanted to ask about why he didn't make it into Shiratorizawa?(Miwa didn't know about any of that, and honestly- she didn't care enough to find out)

Tobio paced back and forth in his room.
There was so much to consider! Miwa said she would visit soon, yes, but that was when Kazuyo died one and a half years ago! She said soon, but he didn't expect so soon! (That ain't soon, luv)
What if she sees him and finds him dirty and doesn't want to associate with him? What if she finds the house dirty? He'd have to thoroughly clean it...
What if he somehow hurt her without actually intending to? There was a variety of options he could hurt her or himself with...

Oh no! What if he had gotten fat??
Tobio's eyes flew open and he dashed to his bathroom. He got to the toilet just in time, before all the vomit spilled out of him. He choked for a long time, followed by his sobs, and honestly he had no idea why he kept on vomiting so much. Ever since that specific day he couldn't really control it, and it always left him drained and tired.
He wanted this to stop. He needed this to stop.

Once he had himself back under control he stood up and cleaned the toilet and the area around it. Like always.
While cleaning, he had mentally prepared a list of chores he'd have to follow until Miwa arrived:
-Clean himself, aka take a shower
-clean the house the usual three times and maybe even a fourth time this time, since his big sister was coming home
-clean his sisters room, so she could feel at home there
-check for openings that leave room to hurt oneself
(Such as the stove, plates and other)
-cook Miwa's favorite food

Tobio slowly but surely worked off his list, and soon he was ready to go to bed.
He was so exhausted. Was this what kids his age did in their free time? Cleaning, obsessing over little things, doubting their every move, vomiting non-stop? He sighed and closed his eyes as he felt the familiar burn of the tears lining themselves up in his eyes. He had no reason to cry, he was just being a crybaby, he told himself.
Somehow he must have fallen asleep, because the next morning he awoke with a horrifying thought:

'What if any of the products in the food you prepared yesterday were expired? Would you really want to serve your sister bad food? Get up and go buy new ingredients.'
Tobio didn't want to. This thought was ridiculous. He wouldn't have any expired products at home. And he checked yesterday to make sure. He checked each expiration date two times.

'What if you didn't check well enough? You were tired after all. Get up and go buy new ingredients.'
Tobio shook his head. He wouldn't do that.


He jumped up and threw on some sweats and a sweater. He jumped into his shoes, grabbed his wallet and made his way to the convenience store. On his way there he sighed but decided not to dwell on it. He had gotten so used to the voice in the last one and a half years, it was truly incredible that he still sometimes tried to disobey it.
It took him about twenty minutes to finish grocery shopping, and he let out a breath of relief when he entered home.
He immediately got to work, and the food was finished after about an hour and twenty minutes.

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