Tooru and Hajime: irreversible

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"NO! Never! Never will I have him as my soulmate!"Oikawa's hands were balled into fists, and his knuckles were turning white from the force.

"Tooru- please be considerate. He's our soulmate, we have to-"

"I DONT WANT TO HEAR IT, HAJIME!" He stomped once and Tears filled his eyes.

"Mom lied. He already took away my position as the setter of this team. Who says he won't take you away either? I- I just- no I can't do this. Anyone but him." Oikawa turned around and walked out of the gym. After a few seconds of silence, Iwaizumi went out and left Tobio behind as well.

"Tooru! Please wait."

Tooru stopped in his tracks, never being able to deny Hajime a wish, but he didn't turn around. Instead he focused his gaze onto the ground and watched as his tears hit the concrete only to be quickly replaced with new ones.


"If you only came here to reprimand me, then leave." His voice broke at the end, letting Hajime know how small he felt at the moment.

"Come here..." Hajime approached him from behind and wrapped his arms around Tooru's trembling figure.

"Let's go home for now." Hajime whispered and Tooru choked on a sob as he sank into Hajime's embrace.
After good ten minutes the boys let each other go, and Hajime quickly grabbed Tooru's hand and lead him home safely. No one said a word during their whole walk, but they didn't have to.
Iwaizumi knew when to push Tooru's buttons, but he also knew when it was best to just let the other be.

The both of them arrived at the Iwaizumi household and both immediately went up to Hajime's room. Tooru realized how familiar it all was to him; he didn't want to share that and probably risk getting replaced in the process.
After changing out of his training gear he went to take a quick shower, where he mainly just let the hot water hit his body.

Tooru let out a long sigh and he closed his eyes. Why him? What did he do wrong? Why did fate think it was a good idea to put him and Tobio-Chan out of all people together?
He knew that sounded cruel, but he couldn't do anything against the constant nag on his confidence he felt whenever he was around the younger boy. Was that how soulmates were supposed to be?

He still remembers when Kageyama first came to practice and introduced himself. Before that, Tooru had thought Tobio was pretty cute, but the boy just had to play setter out of all possible positions.
You see, Tooru has always had really great and high expectations for himself, and he knew how much he worked.
He had been working and working ever since he was little and to be outshone like that, by a boy he was older than by at least two years... just no.

And then Tobio had the audacity to be as cute and innocent as a twelve year old could be, as if he still lived in a perfect little bubble, where both parents loved him equally and he was constantly pampered. As if he hadn't been confronted with the real life yet.

Tooru wasn't having it.

It's sad, it really is but, Tooru would rather break Tobio's heart before getting attached to the younger, because he knew he would if he let himself, and have his heart broken.
With Hajime it was different. He grew up with Hajime. He knew Hajime would never ever replace him with someone else or make him feel inferior.
Tobio was new, and unknown and Tooru was honestly scared.

Scared to let the younger in and have all of his worst nightmares come true.

Then, when realization hit him, he almost let out a laugh. How could he have forgotten?

He didn't need Tobio to be happy.

He's been with Hajime since forever and their soulmate bond appeared three years ago and not once had he felt like something was missing. Probably simply because Tobio wasn't essential. That was good... he could work with that... he could ignore Tobio, act like nothing ever happened and continue living his best life with Hajime by his side.

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