Tobio and HQ: whiplash

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If Tobio had hoped that the next day would turn out better, then he was in for a big disappointment.

The next day, practice finally started, which was a good thing. He woke up in the Karasuno dormitory next to a snoring Noya-senpai and a couple (Suga and Daichi) arguing over something he didn't understand.
It momentarily startled him, and he asked himself if last night was a complete dream, but then he took a look into Hinata's face, and he knew it wasn't.

"Tobio!" Suga then yelled, and Tobio flinched at the volume. Everyone looked at him and he sweat dropped. What was going on?

"Sorry sorry." Suga said, a bit quieter already, as he made his way over. He crouched down and placed a hand against Tobio's forehead, checking for a fever. His hands traveled to his cheeks, then his neck and finally they rested on top of his head. Suga pulled the raven forwards and pressed him against his chest. "Oh my god, I am so sorry, baby. Are you okay?" Suga asked, voice laced with emotion, and Tobio was so lost.

He managed to nod though, and Suga exhaled. His whole body deflated as he ruffled Tobio's hair. Tobio just let him do as he pleased, having gotten comfortable enough with Koushi to accept his touch. Soon though, he barely got air so he tipped against Suga's forearm.

When Suga let go, he took a beep breath. He saw Hinata making punching motions, and he drew up a brow. Kei and Tadashi sat with Hitoka, while the former two sat awfully close together. His brow went even higher. Suga had started pacing around the room while Daichi tried talking to him. It was futile. Ennoshita-san and the other second years (minus Noya who was still asleep) were whispering amongst each other, although one could see Tanaka's clenching fists.

Tobio realized that they were all more bothered about what happened yesterday than he was. This hadn't been the first 'showdown' with his soulmates, and it was likely that it wasn't the last one too- he had gotten a lot of time to get used to the awful feeling he felt whenever he simply thought of them, let alone talked to them.

He discreetly stood up, grabbed his toiletries, and went to the bathroom. He locked himself in there, needing a bit of alone time. It's not as if anyone noticed him leave anyways. It was cute, how concerned they were getting on his behalf, but it was a bit much. He appreciated everything they did for him, he really did. But- he needed a break.

Tobio leaned against the door as he took a deep breath. He noticed how his head was spinning a bit as he closed his eyes, and it made him wonder; just what exactly had happened yesterday evening after he fell asleep? There were a lot of unanswered questions, such as: how did he reach the room? Was it Sakusa who brought him there, or did Kiyoomi call for someone else to pick him up? And who the fuck filled Suga in on what happened?

Yes, yesterday evening was unlucky for them all. But Tobio preferred little to no drama if he had the choice.

He deeply sighed before he got up to get ready. He brushed his teeth, twice, and he washed his face and hands thrice. He made sure the space was clean before he exited the bathroom. Most of the players had left already. Some were getting ready for the day, since it was the first day of practice matches, and he decided to do the same.

Choosing his clothes took him almost fifteen minutes, and he sighed as he got tired of the voice. He had to take his pills. But he wanted to eat first, so he grabbed his little pill purse and made his way towards the cafeteria.

For everything he could say, it was loud. There were so many different players and teams, and he heard so many voices at the same time- it was loud. After a gulp and a count to fifty, he was mentally prepared enough to go. The Etui was clutched tightly in his hands, and his gaze flitted around as he tried to find a space for him; a space where he fit into.

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