Tobio, Shoyo and Kei: Dora the explorer type of things

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"Tobio. Quit shuffling in your sheets! This way the rest isn't going to be able to sleep off!" Kei whispered sharply, trying to get through to Tobio.

"I- I'm sorry." The younger whispered back and stilled for exactly three seconds before he shuffled in his sheets again. It wasn't his fault, okay? Even Heiwa-San had told him he was a restless person, especially when nervous. But Heiwa-San also said that wasn't a necessarily bad thing.

A groan. "Yamayama! It's gonna be alright! We're all friends, right? There's nothing to be nervous about."
Tobio blushed and hissed back an "I know!"

Kei sank into his sheets more and wallowed in self-pity. Of course these two dumbasses would start bickering at times like these. At this point he could only thank whatever deity up there made the rest of his team exhausted enough to fall asleep as quickly.

Kei sighed. One more hour.


The silent alarm started vibrating at exactly ten to ten pm. That meant the boys had ten minutes to throw on some warm clothes, because no matter how warm it was during the day, the nights got chilly. Even in summer.

"Tobio, Hinata. Let's get ready." Kei whispered, and all three of them slowly and silently got ready. Tobio packed his switch and money, and Kei and Shoyo decided to take some money as well.
The fact that Hinata, too, was silent came as a surprise, but apparently even he had a bit of a brain.
It didn't take them long, and soon Tobio slowly closed the door of the Karasuno chambers.

"You won't believe what I dreamt of!" Hinata whisper-shouted as they passed through the corridors of Nekoma. "There was the little giant and he came to watch our practice match against Aoba johsai! After the match he came up to me and told me that I could become the best volleyball player ever! Crazy right?!" Hinata said with a big smile.

"Oh my god! I had the exact same dream!" Tobio answered, which had Hinata baffled for a second.

"Wait, really?!"

"Are you Crazy?! Of course not! Now shut up and walk faster!" Tobio turned around, already irritated at the tangerine's antics. They hadn't even made it out of the school and Shoyo was already unbearable.

"Y'all really are the worst." Kei muttered as he fastened his steps, and Tobio puffed out his cheeks at being thrown into the same pot as Hinata, but didn't comment on it.

A short time after, they found themselves in front of Nekoma, where their buses stood. Kenma and Kuroo stood in the middle of the place, silently conversing among each other.
Or rather- Kuroo did all the talking while Kenma was occupied by his switch.

"Kenma! Kuroo-san!" Hinata yelled and waved with both his hands instead of just marching over, and Kei face palmed. He took long strides towards the Nekoma players, and so did Tobio and Hinata.

"You sure it was a good idea to invite shrimpy?" Kuroo asked Kenma with a somewhat dreadful expression on his face. It was like a second Bokuto.

"I feel like I wouldn't have had a say in this. He probably would've come either way." Kenma answered with a shrug, and that answer seemed plausible.

"Yeah- let's go." Kuroo said, and lead all the others away from the open space, onto a sidewalk.

"Kuroo-san, where are we going?" Tobio only now asked. This could be an ambush for all he knew. He had agreed on sneaking out, but he had forgotten to ask where their journey would even lead to.

A smirk. "You're a Good boy, aren't you? Firstly, we're meeting up with Koutaro and Akaashi." Kuroo answered, and Tobio pouted. He liked to be in control, so what? Having his control robbed from him was equivalent to a nightmare, he only agreed to this because Kenma, Shoyo and Kei were with him.

Close to despair जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें