Tooru and Hajime: soap

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"Alright, that would be it for today! Good work, everyone! And don't forget to read through the pages 210 to 213 until our next lesson! I'll be randomly picking someone to explain the topic to the rest of the class!" The teacher said, as everyone started packing away their things, ready to make their way to their next class, which was biology.
"Oikawa-kun and Iwaizumi-kun! Please stay a bit!" She now spoke, and Oikawa halted in his steps a little bit before he continued packing away his things as slowly as he did before. He felt Hajime's presence next to him, so he got a bit faster, and soon his stuff was safely in his backpack.

The two of them slowly went up to their literature teacher, who was going through some notes. Once she noticed them, she looked up to them and gave them a small smile.
"Oikawa-kun, Iwaizumi-kun. How are you guys feeling today?" She asked and smiled at the two.

"Good, sensei. And you?" Iwaizumi answered while not even looking at her. Oikawa was totally spaced out again, thinking about what he saw last week Saturday once more. If he was being honest, the whole scene kept on replaying and replaying in his head. It made it hard to focus on other things, but his mind just didn't want to let him rest.
Sleep was unthinkable of at the moment.

"I'm fine, thank you for asking. But this isn't about me." She answered and got oddly serious. "You guys have been spacing out a lot recently, there's been other teachers complaints about this as well. While we understand that it is natural to have bad days, I still need you guys to know that you can come up to any teacher if you need help, okay?" She finished her little speech.

Oikawa looked at her, but at the same time he looked through her, before he gave her one of his fake smiles he had practiced so well through all the years and started speaking. "Thank you, sensei. We are sorry that we caused you so many problems, we will do our best to fully participate in class again. Thank you for understanding." Tooru finished and he was kind of proud, this was closest to the most normal conversation he had had since the last weeks practice match.
"Yeah, what he said." Iwaizumi complied, and the two of them made their way out without looking back again.

Once they were out in the hallway, they noticed that biology class had already begun and they battled with themselves if they would actually go. The angel won the internal battle and the two made their way to the lab, where all science subjects were held.

"Sorry, sensei wanted us to stay back." Hajime murmured as they both entered, and their biology teacher only nodded.

"As I was just saying: there is no actual scientific explanation for why there are soul bonds. Although, sciences have progressed a lot, now being able to surgically remove a bond and even restore a broken bond."

Hajime turned to Tooru who was already looking at him wide eyed. Was this real life?
Tooru shot up from his seat and several heads turned to him. He got a bit red at the sudden attention, but there was more important stuff right now. He started packing up his things in record speed.

"Excuse me mister? Can we help you? Where are you going?" His biology teacher said, and on any other day, Oikawa probably would've shit his pants, because his biology teacher was not to be taken lightly. Now though, he couldn't be too bothered. From the corner of his eyes he could see Hajime slowly, reluctantly, packing his stuff too, and it relieved him. He wasn't alone in this. He has never been.

"Sorry Fukuyama sensei. There's a reaaaally huge emergency right now, and I would really love to, but I can't stay here any longer. I promise I'll make it up to you as soon as possible!" With that Tooru shouldered his bag and ran out of the classroom.
Hajime was not long after, bowing one last time "please excuse us." And then he was gone, too. Their teacher only  stared in disbelief at what just transpired.

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