Tobio, Tooru and Hajime: like a bubble

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Perhaps two days hadn't been enough time to digest all of this after all.

"Go Go, Let's go! Let's go, Dateko!"

Tobio scowled. Hard. There were way too many components crashing in all at once for his liking. They were currently facing Datekogyo, the school with the iron wall and the school that almost took their ace away. In the stands he made out Akiteru and Miwa- what the hell were they doing here?- and his parents that had arrived shortly before. There was Aoba johsai, watching the match, because it determined their next opponent, and Tobio was spiraling pretty quickly.

"Go Go, Let's Go! Let's Go, Dateko!"

He thought he now knew what Heiwa meant by digesting all of the information that was presented to him mere two days ago, and maybe two days weren't enough to digest it.
He didn't know how to act, he only knew that his senses were overwhelmed and that he had to get out of this situation as quickly as possible.
He turned around to Ukai and silently begged to be switched out, something he wouldn't have done two days ago, but he knew he needed it now.

The anxiety was crashing onto him like collapsing skyscraper, and he feared that he would take away his teams chance of winning if he pushed himself further, even though he knew he needed a break.

They had luckily won their earlier matches, the other schools weren't that much of an obstacle, but he knew that the match against Dateko meant something to his senpais. How unfair would he be to selfishly continue and maybe make them lose the game?
Takeda immediately signaled for a timeout, and the whole team slowly marched off the field, heading towards the coach and the advisor.

Kiyoko gave Tobio his water bottle, and he bowed in thanks before he downed almost all of the water at once.

"Okay guys. I need you all to take a deep breath." Ukai demonstrated it, and the team copied it, albeit it was rather shaky for Tobio. All his senses screamed for him to stop.

"Ukai. Can you please substitute me with Suga-senpai?" Tobio asked, and immediately his teammates looked at him in confusion. Kageyama would never voluntarily ask to be switched out.

"What?! Bakayama- what about our..." Hinata started, but one look at Tobio's trembling figure made him shut up. Kei went and took Tobio into his arms while instructing Tobio to slowly breathe in and out. Kageyama's breaths came in shallow puffs, and Kei looked at Ukai for approval, who agreed with a nod.

"It's alright Tobio. Leave it to your senpais, and watch while you calm down!" Koushi gave him a double thumbs up while the others went back onto the court since their break had ended. Tobio nodded, already feeling somewhat better than before.

The game resumed.

Up in the stands though, the story looked completely different. Kageyama Mitsu and Kageyama Hiroto were currently getting somewhat acquainted with Tsukishima Akiteru, their daughter's romantic soulmate. They were too engrossed in their own little world to even notice what happened down there, and if they were being honest, the match didn't actually matter. They were sure Karasuno would pull through and win the game.

With Aoba Johsai, the atmosphere was tense. Four pairs of eyes were squinted in worry at what happened down there, while the others were just watching the match, curious as to who would win.

Iwaizumi's hand subconsciously found Oikawa's own, and the soulmate pair tightly clutched their hands, worried about what happened with their third.

"He's alright." Hajime whispered and Tooru nodded, because that was what he wanted to believe, too. It had to be that way, because they wouldn't know how to deal with it if it wasn't that way. If Tobio wasn't fine.

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