Chapter 67 • Apart

Comenzar desde el principio

My shoulders raised as I cleared my throat nervously.

"Y—yeah you are..." I nervously smiled, "Of course you're coming back..."

George remained silent for a moment until I spoke up.

"Why wouldn't you wanna come back??" I sat up in my seat while clenching my jaw.

"I don't want to..." he said lowly.

My heart dropped as I ran my hand through my hair.

"I..." I shut my eyes while leaning my head down, "You—you don't want...why?"

"All I've had is time to's made me realize some things..." he spoke quietly.

I swallowed hard as I felt the tears warming up in the corners of my eyes.

"No you're..." I nervously laughed, "You're coming back. You're gonna live here—you belong here, George."

He sighed.

"George—it's been hell for me here without you. You can't—" I sighed, "You can't stay in England, it's not your home, you said I'm your home..."

George remained silent.

"George—you're my home..." My voice cracked as my eyebrows squished together in sadness.

He still didn't make a single noise.

"George I love love me too—I know you do." I said firmly.

"It's not enough..."

My heart dropped.

"'s always been enough..." I whispered, "George just—just come home. We can talk this out face to face—"

"I don't want to." He snapped.

"—" I shook my head as the tears fell down my cheeks, "You're not doing this to me..."

"I'm staying in England, Dream...I'm happy here." His voice trailed off.

I clenched my jaw while leaning my palm against my cheek.

"You're happier in England than you are here with me...?" I nodded while glaring hard at my monitor.

He fell silent again.

"You told me I was your home..." my lip quivered, "You told me 'All I Need Is You''ve told me that so many times, George—"

I raised my voice as he didn't say a word.

"Whatever problems you're having, we can go to Mae—she can fix this—"

"Clay..." he said quietly, "It's over..."

I shut my eyes as I clenched my jaw, shaking my head. George suddenly hung up. Once he did, my phone fell out of my hand, slamming onto my desk as I gripped the sides of my hair.

"No, no it wasn't over. This wasn't supposed to end this way, it can't." I kept repeating in my head.

I gripped the sides of my hair harder, so much harder that my nails dug into my skin deep enough to make marks. My breathing hitched as I felt the world collapsing around me.

I couldn't think, I couldn't breathe, I could only feel the burning sensation inside of me, killing me.

"Clay!" He shouted.


I gasped awake as my head shot up from my desk.

That's when I realized I was on a Discord call with Sapnap and Bad. I felt something wet on my cheeks then realized they were tears.

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