🐙Mezo Shoji🐙 Catch Up Part 1/3

Start from the beginning

Quirk, Hero Costume, and Name

Quirk: Thunderbird- It's like a mix of Electrification and Fierce Wings. You can control your feathers and you gather more electricity by moving your feathers or flying.

Drawbacks: The feathers can be injured and you can feel it but they eventually grow back if the wing itself is unharmed. If you use too much electricity, your feathers could stop responding to what you tell them to do and it has the same feeling as your arm or leg falling asleep. You can leave the feathers off you wings for a while but they're harder to control the longer they're away.


The jacket is a part of the winter version of your costume

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The jacket is a part of the winter version of your costume. You also have special headphones to keep your ears from popping while your in the air and the same glasses that Hawks wears.

Hero Name: Feathered Hero: Falcon

First Date (Your POV)

"This is gonna be a disaster," I whined as Keigo straightened the collar of my shirt.

"No, it isn't," he argued as he stepped back to look me over

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"No, it isn't," he argued as he stepped back to look me over. "But the original plan already exploded and now we're just going to wander. Maybe the messed up reservation was a sign!" "Okay, I'm gonna need you to chill out." "Chill out?" There was a knock on the door and I heard things up in my room fall over as my feathers went crazy with my anxiety. "Calm down before you break something." Keigo smoothed down the front of my shirt, fixed my collar again, and adjusted my sleeves before stepping back. "Alright, get out of here, nerd." Keigo pushed me towards the door and I slowly opened it. "Hey, Mezo." I watched the end of one of his arms turn into a mouth to show the smile hidden under his mask. "Ready to go?" I nodded and he held his hand out to me. I took it and let him lead me down the street. "Where are your wings?" "Oh, I just left the feathers at home so I could hide them under my shirt." Mezo nodded. We didn't do anything too special. We walked around the city and spent most of the time window shopping. We went to a small restaurant for dinner, much different from the one I had originally planned to take him to. The whole night there were butterflies in my stomach. The only bad part was me having to turn off my phone since it kept buzzing in my pocket. Mezo brought me back home a few hours later and gave the door a confused look. "Do you think he's okay in there?" Mezo asked. "Ye-" I was interrupted by crashing and I sighed. "He's an idiot so I try not to ask questions." Mezo's arm came up to my head and turned into a mouth to kiss my forehead. A small chirp left my lips and the crashing behind me got worse. "(Y/N)!" Keigo screeched. My eyes widened and I started pushing Mezo back. "I had a great time, let's do it again. See you later." I kissed his cheek. "Um... bye!" I ran into the house and Keigo glared at me as I looked around. "You know, I was wondering why it felt like someone was aggressively patting my back all night." "I've been blowing up your phone for two and a half hours!" Keigo shouted. "I turned off my phone becuase you've been blowing up my phone for two and a half hours!" I yelled back. "FIX THIS!" he screamed. He threw his arms around the room to show he wanted the feathers to stop rushing around and I decided to make fun of his high pitched voice later. "Why didn't you catch them?" Keigo scoffed. "Gee! You know, I hadn't thought of that." I quickly took off my shirts and the feathers went back to my wings as if they were magnets. "Little chickadee, light of my life, my precious baby sister," Keigo grabbed both my shoulders, "how was your date?" he asked through gritted teeth. "It's was really fun, actually ." "Oh, good," Keigo replied sarcastically.

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