My Princess

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A/N: Sero x Todoroki reader.

Sero's P.o.V

I heard both Todoroki students shout angrily at each other. They weren't loud enough to actually hear what was being said, but you could hear their voices from the floor that (Y/N)'s dorm was on. I got up to try and interfere but Midoriya shook his head at me from across the room so I sat back down. I heard a slam echo through the building and Todoroki walked into the living area. All eyes were on him but he ignored everyone and walked over to Midoriya. I walked to (Y/N)'s dorm a few minutes later and I lightly knocked on her door.

"Go away, Shoto!" she called.

"Not Todoroki," I told her. "It's your loving boyfriend who's worried about you." I waited a moment but the door didn't open. "Can I come in?"


"Well I'm going to anyway." Lucky me, the door was unlocked so I was able to walk in. (Y/N) was curled on her bed with her favorite stuffed toy in her arms. It was something she used for comfort when she was upset. "What's wrong?"

"Why is everyone asking me that?!" she yelled as she threw her arms out. I walked over to her bed and sat down. I laid down and then pulled her on top off me.

"You don't have to tell me now, but neither of us are leaving until you tell me what's wrong," I told her. (Y/N) moved her toy to the side and squeezed me tightly.

"You don't deserve to be stuck with someone like me," (Y/N) whispered after a few minutes. "You deserve the best and you settled for me." I sat up and pulled her up with me.

"What do you mean?" I asked. (Y/N) was quiet. It was silent as I waited for her to explain. The silence was broken by a sob. My eyes widened and I held (Y/N) close as she gripped the back of my shirt in her fists. I had never seen (Y/N) cry. She was always so strong but here she was now, clinging to me with her face buried in my chest like it was the end of the world as she crumbled and cried. I didn't know what to do.

"You shouldn't have to be stuck with someone like me," (Y/N) said through her tears. "You deserve to be with someone who's pretty and smart. Someone who's strong. Someone who can be a hero."

"But you are all those things," I told her. "You're all those things and so much more. You're perfect."

"No I'm not!" she exclaimed as she looked up. "I'm not pretty or smart like Momo or strong like Shoto and I could never be as good a hero as Midoriya."

"What makes you think that? Your beautiful an-"

"No I'm not," (Y/N) cut me off. "I'm plain looking and," she motioned around her body, "small and it's... I'm just not enough." I looked (Y/N) up and down. She might not have had much of a chest or butt but it added to her good looks. When she started at UA, she was skinny but it was muscle. Now she was just skinny. She looked so fragile. So broken. She was right, she was plain looking. She wasn't flashy like all the other girls but that was what made her stand out so much.

"I think you're more than enough," I said. "You're beautiful, but you know what would make you even more beautiful?" She shook her head. "If you went back you how you were before. You're light as a feather and it's making me worried. Haven't you been eating? Taking care of yourself?" (Y/N) looked away ashamed. "You haven't?" She shook her head.

"It's not like what think it is, it's just hard to remember. I'm working hard to be good for everyone." I bit my lip. I was ready to curl in a ball and cry with her. Seeing her like this broke my heart but I couldn't show that right now. She needed me.

"Let's go somewhere tonight." She shook her head again. "That wasn't a question. You need to start being good for yourself again instead of others. I've been a bad boyfriend. I haven't been looking out for you like I should. I'm sorry and I'm going to change this now and help you. I'll help bring you back."

"You don't have anything to be sorry for," she replied.

"Yes I do," I told her. "If I was doing what I was supposed to, you would know that you are the most beautiful, intelligent, heroic, and perfect girl that has ever existed." (Y/N) smiled and the tears that had stopped came back again.

"I really want to believe you," (Y/N) said. "I really do but I can't. It's been shoved into me that I could never be as good as Shoto. I was always told that I wouldn't make it as far as him. I guess it's all just... stuck." A tear fell down her face and I wiped it away.

"If you couldn't be a hero, you wouldn't be here. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me and since no one else treated you like the princess you are, I will." I was furious. How could someone do this to her? Make her feel this way? The sweetest person I've ever met and she was treated like garbage. I'm going to make sure she feels like the perfect girl she is because, for some reason, no one else did that.

"Thank you." (Y/N) smiled as she wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me into a kiss. We broke apart and the look of real happiness on her face is one I haven't seen in too long.

"Anything for my princess."

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