They Hurt You

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Preference: When they accidentally hurt you

👾Mina Ashido👾

Mina sat beside you on the couch as she talked to the other girls. Her arms waved around wildly as she spoke excitedly but you were having a calm conversation with Momo. You saw a hand come towards your face but had no time to move. A loud smack made everyone go quiet so it seemed much harder than it really was. The sting wasn't that bad, but it was surprising so a small gasp made its way out of your mouth. "Oh, (Y/N)!" Mina exclaimed as she cupped your face in her hands. "I'm so sorry!" You lightly pushed her hands away. "It's fine," you told her. "I barely felt anything." Mina looked over your face anyway and her face was covered by a guilty frown. "Mina, relax. It was an accident." You put an arm around her and pulled her into your side. "I'm sorry," she apologized again. You sighed. "No more apologies."

🐸Tsuyu Asui🐸

"Tsu, be careful," you warned as she went up and down the stairs. "I am careful," she replied as she went up the stairs again. You were in your new house. While you unpacked things in the living room, Tsu was trying to make everything upstairs perfect. "Tsu, slow down. You're gonna-" You heard a bump from Tsuyu's foot missing a stair and you quickly activated your Quirk. You pinched your fingers together and pulled up. When you got to the steps, you could see the back of Tsuyu's shirt up on the air. "Sorry." You put an arm out to steady her for when you let go of the back of her shirt. Tsuyu still stumbled into you and forced you to take an involuntary step back that had you tumbling down. "(Y/N)!"  You put your thumb up. "I'm good." You looked up at her from the floor. "Are you good?" She watched the steps carefully as she came down to help you up. "I'm fine, kero." She pulled you to your feet and you went back to doing your task. "I should've paid attention to where I was going." You gave her a small dismissive wave. "It was my own fault. Don't worry about it."

⚡️Denki Kaminari⚡️

Denki giggled as you left kisses all over his face. "Stop!" You smiled and shook your head. "Never." You gave his nose a quick nip, making sure to use no real pressure so you wouldn't hurt him, and then rubbed your hands up and down his sides. He suddenly gasped and tried to hold in his laughter. An evil smile crossed your face and his eyes widened. "No." You started tickling his sides and Denki squealed with laughter as he tried to push your hands away. "Stop!" This time when he tried to push you away, electricity sparked from his fingertips. You immediately jumped away from him with a surprised yelp and he sat up quickly. "I'm so sorry," he apologized as he tried to get his breathing back to normal. You sat beside him and pat his head. "That was some immediate karma," you joked. "I'm sorry." You kissed his cheek shrugged. "It's okay." Denki moved his arm to put it around you and lightly brushed your side. You flinched away and Denki gave you a worried look until he saw you were fighting a smile. He gave you the same evil smile and you leaned away. "No."

🏔Eijiro Kirishima🏔

You grabbed Eijiro's shoulder and swung around him, easily pushing him down to the ground with the hand on his forehead thanks to his now unbalanced form. "Ei, you need to be quicker," you told him as you got up. "I don't want to hurt you," he replied with a pout. You sighed. "You're more prepared to fight guys bigger than you, not ones who're smaller," you continued. "Your reaction time is better than it was in the beginning of the year but still too slow. I've been beating you this whole time without using my Quirk so forget about hurting me and treat me like a villain. Give me a reason to treat this like it's a fair fight." You crouched down, ready to attack again, and Eijiro's skin hardened. "Ready?" you asked. "Are you?" You rushed forward and easily ducked under his arm. "Quicker." Eijiro spun around to try and hit you again but you leaned backwards. "Try hardening right before the contact," you advised as you dropped under his arm again. "Maybe that's what's slowing you down." Eijiro did what you said and was a bit quicker, quick enough to make you a bit worried when you dodged it. "There you go." Eijiro quickly got the hang of it and you smiled at his success. He threw another punch your way and you leaned away from it but his jagged skin sliced your cheek. You put your hand over it without thinking and Eijiro was practically on his knees and begging for forgiveness in less then a second. "What-What are doing? This is what you're supposed to do." Eijiro blinked at you with big, sad puppy eyes. "This is the first time you even touched me. That's progress." You kissed his jaw and turned away with warm cheeks. "So... So good job." "At least let me kiss it better," he said with a small smirk, knowing that both his words and actions would make you flustered. He was right. Eijiro wiped a bit of blood from your cheek and then kissed over the cut while you panicked internally.

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