Chapter 39

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"My dear, I guess you already figured out what you had forgotten after meeting your aunt if I'm not mistaken.~"

(Y/N) glared at him in anger.

"Is there something bothering you that made you so pouty?~" Danny said with a sweet smile. "You helped my aunt in finding me and you risked yourself to find me in the woods when we first met. Why are you so interested in me, Danny?" (Y/N) glared at him but received a laugh from him. "How irritating. If only you never met him. What a nuisance he is. He couldn't even kill me properly.~" Danny teased Zack. "You better shut your mouth!"

"Stop ignoring me! Answer me!" (Y/N) said in annoyance.

He pulled his lab coat to the side to show a vest that is a shield that he used to block Zack's attack with the scythe.

"I took some minor safety precautions. Although, I still ended up like this..." Danny said with a teasing smile, showing his lab coat covered in blood.

"If you think your plan is continuing, you're wrong. I have already killed my aunt if you're looking for her." (Y/N) said with a cocky smile, hoping it will irritate him and go away. But instead of seeing his mad face, he only laughed.

"Oh, you don't say. To be honest, I was hoping she would die once you two fought after she told me about her ridiculous plan." Danny shrugged it off as if it was nothing, making (Y/N) angry by his smile. "What? So, you're saying you don't care? Then why did you help her in the first place? Was it because of the money she had?"

Danny fell silent before he giggled. "No, it's nothing like that. I had to use her for my goals. Though, she is an annoying woman. I don't understand why her people find her an 'incredible' woman. I'm glad I got everything I needed to have what I always wanted from the start."

"I don't care about you using her. I want to know why you're looking for me." (Y/N) is already pissed off. "I agree but that doesn't change the fact why you are still here and alive. You need to die, you bastard." Zack said as he glared at him, slightly unconscious.

"As I told you I took safety precautions and I'm not like you at all. I made sure to treat my wounds. I'm pushed to my limit, too, you know. I thought I'd decapitate you in your sleep but (Y/N) was here with you." Danny sighed in disappointment.

"So... what I came here to take away is Rachel," Danny said, earning a deadpanned look from (Y/N). She just groaned in anger, letting him talk.

"What!? Like hell, I'm going to give her to you!" Zack yelled angrily.

"Where is she now?" Danny asked seriously.

"Are you being serious right now? Like hell I'm gonna tell you where she is, you dumbass. Besides, what are you gonna do if I tell you I killed her, huh?" Zack said with a sinister smile, making (Y/N) hold in her chuckle by how he teased Danny.

Danny's facial expression soon turned into a dark stare with a frown and looked at Zack with hatred.

"You scum... I'm the one who was looking at her eyes for all this time! And yet a dirtbag like you gets to kill her!? That's enough of that nonsense! Her eyes are special! I spent my whole life searching for those eyes! Alive, but dead... So silent and beautiful... I won't let you have her eyes! HER EYES BELONG TO ME!! I'VE BEEN WATCHING THEM ALL THIS TIME!!" Danny yelled in distress as he breathed heavily as (Y/N) and Zack looked weirdly at Danny.

"So what? I'm not like you at all. I don't give a damn about her eyes. But she wants me to kill her. So the one who's gonna kill her... is me." Zack said with a smile, making Danny walk backward in shock.

[A Bloody Bond] Zack Foster x Female Reader ⚠️GORE! READ DESCRIPTION!⚠️Where stories live. Discover now