Chapter 36

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"Y-You. Y-You aren't supposed to be alive."

"But I am, aren't you happy to see your aunt alive and well?~"

The woman said with a sinister smile. (Y/N) was horrified and stumbled backward. "You can't be alive! I killed you!! I KILLED YOU AND MADE YOU SHED BLOOD!!" (Y/N) yelled before falling on her knees as she breathed heavily, trying to process everything. (Y/N)'s pupils twitched as she stared at her.

"You can't be alive."

Her aunt laughed as she held her stomach.

"Did you think you killed me!? Such an idiot niece! I am alive!" Her aunt laughed.

"So, you're her aunt, huh? Who in the hell do you think you are to change (Y/N) into a different being!?" Zack yelled as he held his scythe in the air in anger.

"Oh shut up! It didn't even pass a minute and you're here interrupting my meeting with my niece! I'm also a famous serial killer just like you, so don't you dare raise your voice at me! You should respect me!" Her aunt yelled as she glared at Zack.

"You're only just an old hag. What are you talking about?" Zack said as her aunt gritted her teeth in anger.

"You son of a-"

"Don't think you're the only killer in this place! You aren't that special!" Zack said as he looked at her with a disgusted look, making her aunt angrier.

"You're getting on my nerves, you ugly mummy!"

"The hell did you say!?" Zack said as he glared at her, earning a giggle.

"Now then, do you want your dear aunt to explain everything to you, sweetie?~" Her aunt said as she sat down in her seat with a smirk. (Y/N)'s eyebrows furrowed in hatred as veins appeared in her forehead.

"Why did you turn me into this kind of monster? Why did you do this to me? I know you have something to do with it!" (Y/N) said in frustration. "I can't fucking control myself because of your fault! I was about to kill someone special to me! I'm not gonna lose someone else just because of you!" (Y/N) yelled in anger.

"It was for my entertainment. What else can that be?~" Her aunt said with no care, making (Y/N)'s fists tighten in anger as she was on her knees.

"I wanted my niece to suffer because of what's been taken away from me. I told you, didn't I? Your mother took your father away from me. I fell in love with him before I became a serial killer but it turns out my sister loves him as well. I went crazy for him that I went and killed him and my sister. I never realized they had a kid once I found you. That infuriated me more than ever that I decided to make you suffer for what your parents did to me. But, look at you now. Big and stronger than anyone else here. You are a successful experiment. An experiment that should succeed in suffering."

"Yeah, yeah, you felt all touchy when that happened, didn't you? That's so lame of you. You are a messed up person and a bitch." Zack commented as he crossed his arms.

"It still doesn't make sense. How did you make (Y/N) into a different person by yourself?" Rachel asked in a blank stare.

"I'm glad you asked! I am a scientist. I love experimenting with things! With people. I was the one who decided it was a good idea and started all that. She's an amazing art I created, isn't she? I created a monster just for fun, doesn't that make you angry... (Y/N)?~" Her aunt laughed before crossing her legs and playing with the whip remote that was beside her on the table.

"Thanks to a young handsome man, he also helped me do some research on you after you killed me. I had to find ways to kill you without making my hands dirty. It seems it didn't go as planned. You killed all of them in this building."

[A Bloody Bond] Zack Foster x Female Reader ⚠️GORE! READ DESCRIPTION!⚠️Where stories live. Discover now