Chapter 37

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(Y/N) breathed fast until she snapped out of her thoughts as she looked at her aunt in front of her.

"You horrible woman..." (Y/N) whispered.

Her aunt laughed. "It worked! Yes! Yes! You finally remembered! Did you like the flashbacks!? AHAHAHAHAHAHAH~" Her aunt laughed maniacally. (Y/N) was angered by her annoying laugh. Her eyes glowed red again along with her sharp fangs.

"SHUT UP!! I'M GONNA END YOU ONCE AND FOR ALL!!" (Y/N) screamed as she ran towards her with a full punch to her stomach. But, her punch was blocked with her bare hands before she landed a hit.

"Since you and 'bandages' killed all the killers in here that were ordered to kill you guys, it is time to use my backup plan. So-"

Her aunt pulled (Y/N)'s arm to the side and threw her across the room with incredible strength in the air. (Y/N) crashed into the wall as it shattered and flew. She soon landed on the floor with a loud thud as Zack yelled her name. Rachel's eyes widened in worry.


"I decided to defeat you myself with the same abilities as you!"

Her aunt said as she stared at her with sinister intent. (Y/N) pulled herself up off the floor as her head hung low. "Are you saying you can beat me even when we have the same strength? Don't be a fool. You have given me this strength since I was a child." (Y/N) giggled as her blood dripped down her head and down to her face.

Her aunt felt a strange and threatening aura from her but didn't let that stop her, she pulled her knife out of her pocket with a smile. "So what? I'll defeat you anyway.~" Her aunt smirked as she pointed the knife towards (Y/N).

"Are you sure about that?" (Y/N) said before dropping her knife purposely and running towards her aunt. "I don't need the knife to finish you!" She yelled as she jumped in the air and fell towards her aunt, ready to give her a kick in the face. The aunt was caught off guard and quickly dodged as she jumped backward. (Y/N)'s foot crushed the floor into cracks as a loud crashing sound was heard and pieces of the floor flew.

Rachel stared at her in awe as Zack was shocked and felt his jaw open wide. (Y/N) got back to her feet and sprinted toward her target to throw punches at her as she blocked each one of them with her arms crossed. (Y/N) smiled as she stared at her with an insane look.

"Beat her ass, (Y/N)!" Zack yelled as he cheered on while Rachel looked at her with slight worry. "Please, don't die, (Y/N)."

"She won't die. Are you kidding me, dumbass? Look at her, she's having fun!" Zack said with excitement before Rachel nodded with a blank stare. "You're right."

"What's wrong!? Why aren't you attacking me!?~" (Y/N) said before she gave her a kick on the side with her knee which her aunt grunted in pain. The woman quickly grabbed her leg and tripped (Y/N) to fall on the ground and pinned her down to the floor. Her aunt laughed, knowing victory would be hers as she sat on top of her niece, strangling her.

"Now, die. Victory is mine! I'll end you right here and now! I feel so sorry for you! You can't even kill me correctly! You're nothing but a little whore! Remember I strangled you like this back then? This time I'll kill you! You're nothing but trash for me to get rid of!" Her aunt laughed as she pulled her knife above her, ready to stab the (Y/N) below her while her other hand was strangling her.

Before the knife would swing towards (Y/N), the knife was stopped in mid-air. (Y/N) looked up at her aunt with a sweet smile.

"Is something wrong, aunt? Weren't you going to kill me?~" (Y/N) said as she stared at her aunt's widened eyes. She gasped in shock as the grip of the knife slowly loosened and dropped it to the floor beside (Y/N). Blood was soaked in (Y/N)'s sleeve and hand. (Y/N)'s eyes stared at her dying expression as she smirked.

[A Bloody Bond] Zack Foster x Female Reader ⚠️GORE! READ DESCRIPTION!⚠️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora