When I walked into the kitchen, Camila had already started preparing the waffles.

"So Camila, why waffles and not pancakes?" I asked. It wasn't that I didn't like waffles, I actually preferred them, it's just that pancakes were more common.

"Well, because they are better of course. They are crunchier, and they have little pockets for syrup. It has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that we have a 5 minute waffle maker under the sink." she said seriously.
I chuckled under my breath before responding.

"Syrup pockets, huh? I've never thought of that. It's actually quite brilliant." I commented.

She opened the waffle maker and took out the third waffle, placing it on a plate that was sitting beside the stove.

"I'm going to kiss you now." Camila warned.

This time I accepted her lips willingly. We parted quickly, the contact brief but satisfying. As soon as I pulled away though, I was hit in the face with a tasteless powder.

"You. Did. Not." I said through my teeth.

"Oh. I. Did." she answered confidently.

She had taken the time during our kiss to fill her hand with flour, and threw it in my face. The powder covered my face, and got all over my shirt.

"You know what, I'm not going to do anything now, but don't think you're getting away with this." I threatened.

"Okaaaaaay..." she replied, raising her eyebrows and turning around to start the fourth waffle.

I splashed my face with water, trying to eliminate the dusty powder from my face as thoroughly as possible. Nuzzling my face in the back of her hair, I wrapped my arms around her small torso and enveloped her in a bear hug that lasted several seconds. She whipped around when I had released my hold, a smile spreading across her features.

"What was that for?" she grinned.

"I don't know. I guess I just like you a little." I smirked.

"Only a little?" she questioned, raising her eyebrow quizzically.

"Yeah. Only a little." I answered sarcastically.

She stared at me for a second before a burning smell filled my nostrils. Apparently Camila hadn't noticed, because she didn't make a move or avert her eyes.

"And I think you're burning our waffles." I said, spinning her around to face the oven.

"Shit!" she whispered under her breath, lifting the top of the waffle maker to reveal a black circle. She turned the stove off and scraped the ruined waffle off of the waffle maker, disappointed.

"I'm sorry, Lauren. I just wanted to make a nice breakfast for us and I can't even cook a fucking waffle without ruining it." Camila self depreciated, refusing to face me.

I didn't know why a simple mistake like this would affect her so much, I honestly thought it was funny, but the smaller girl seemed disappointed in herself and ashamed.

I lifted her chin so that our eyes met, and laced our fingers together.

"Camila, it's okay. It's just waffles. We have three perfectly good ones, plus we have more food in the pantry if we are still hungry. It's not a big deal, babe." I comforted.

I didn't notice that I had called her 'babe' until after it had left my lips, but I wasn't embarrassed by the slip.

"You're right," she agreed, " it's just a waffle, I don't know why I got so upset. It's just... Nevermind."

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