Chapter 22

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Ammarah's POV

Bad habits- Ed Sheeran

I don't really hate my life but I hate this particular moment in my life. My teeth clashes and grind against each other as I clutch my stomach yet again and rolled over in pain.

"Innalillahi wa'innailaihir rajiun" I muttered letting a tear slip down my face. I grabbed my phone and quickly called Rahma.

"Ammarah" Her voice came into the phone "You woke up early today"

"Medicines Rahma. Fast"

"Oh my God. Cramps?

I wanted to curse at her the obvious question but squeezed out a painful "Medication" instead and heard her shuffling before I threw away the phone.

I fell to the ground and lay on my stomach watching two ants scurrying and running in disorganized direction as another pain tore through me.

The door opened and Rahma rushed in with medications and water before helping me up and handing me a singe tablet. I closed my eyes and took it down then rolled back on my stomach and clenched my fist.

"Sorry" She muttered running a hand down my back

"I...I have to go" I said as the pain subsided a bit

"To school? She asked

"No. The studio" I replied my eyes clenching shut again. I start mid exams in two days and my plan was to go see the studio today and make sure Rayyan has all his painting ready because the exhibition is soon then come home and start reading.

Until this.

"You need to rest. Let me get you something to eat"

I heard her footsteps and then the door closing still with my eyes shut before I started reciting

"Allahumma lasahla illaama ja'altahu sahla. Wa anta tajhalul hazna izha shi'ita sahla"

I kept reciting it on and on until I felt the pain numbing, my body growing tired and subsequently shutting down.

A tap on my shoulder made me open my eyes slowly and I met the gaze of Rahma who kept a bowl beside her.

I tiredly sat up, grab the bowl and dived into it closing my eyes and relishing the taste. "This is very nice" I pointed out taking another spoonful.

A knock came on the door and then without waiting for a response, the door opened and the other help walked in with a huge package. She dropped it carefully on the side table and said

"This was delivered right now"

I looked at Rahma, at the package and then at her "By who?

"I don't know maam. The gateman just asked me to take it inside"

"Okay" I muttered keeping the bowl and picking up the package. It was a food basket all wrapped up with a note and a card attached. The card was for the business that made it. I dropped it beside me and opened up the note.

"Sometimes we want to harbor
So much of what we love
So we never run out of it.

Sending you cinnamon and everything beautiful"

I read the note over and over again before looking up with a wide smile.

"You told your man you're sick didn't you? Rahma accused with a playful look

I gasped dramatically placing a hand on my chest "No I didn't. I received a call early in the morning that I have a delivery. But I have completely forgotten about it and didn't know it was from him"

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