Chapter 4

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Rewrite the stars- James Arthur

It was almost a month before I went to the market with Rahma again. I have completely forgotten about the sales guy and the weird feeling he made me feel at that time. I've even forgotten about the cinnamon he gave us for free.

Not until we stopped by his shop and our eyes met again. Something familiar, something known, something strange and unpredictable passed. And I quickly looked away.

I didn't understand what was it with his eyes. What was the feeling, this understanding feeling I get whenever our eyes met.

"Thank you for the cinnamon sticks. That was unnecessary" Rahma said as I turned to glare at her.

She could be rude sometimes too.

"It was for her" He said turning to look at me as Rahma cut her gaze to me as well.

Our eyes met for a brief moment again before I looked away muttering a short "thank you"

"Well thank you. We would like ginger, garlic and cardamom please"

He nodded and proceeded to package them while we waited. After that, Rahma paid him and we walked away while I make sure to not look back again.

By the time we were almost done, Rahma has forgotten to get clove. She hissed and face palmed herself. It is getting late and we need to leave.

"Maybe we should split" I said to her as she kept looking around for clove

She turned to me with a glare "Split? You want me to leave you? No way"

I rolled my eyes "Incase you haven't noticed, I'm not a kid anymore. So please stop treating me as such"

"Mummy won't allow this"

"Good she won't know then"

Rahma sighed "Where are you getting it?

"I saw a shop behind. I'll grab it and come to you"

She nodded dejectedly and handed me the money "Meet me at the shoe store. Please hurry and be safe"

I nodded and uttered "I will" while literally sprinting down the lane.

I knew I lied to myself and Rahma when I said I wasn't going back or letting my thoughts roam there. Because here I was, standing right in front of his shop as I watch him pray. He finished, tuck back his praying mat and turned to me.

"What happened princess?

I furrowed my brows "I'm not a princess"

"Well you're now"

I rolled my eyes and half smiled "I want clove"

He nodded and turned to get it when I spotted something. Right beside his praying mat was a paper. It looked like a painting of something brown and orange.

"Is that a painting? I asked pointing to the paper. He followed my finger and lingered his eyes there for some seconds before looking up and nodding.

"I made it" He said slowly, as if not really wanting to admit it

"Wow! I breathe out "can I see it?

He contemplated a bit before reluctantly taking it out and handing it over to me.

I looked at the hard and cracked painting of the soil, the way the crack went in a wavy pattern exposing the hungry fire that swirls from the inside.

"This is different and beautiful" I said as I admired the art

You, Alone. ✅Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz