Chapter 12

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Rayyan's POV

Arcade- Duncan Laurence

I watched the taxi round and exited the corner before I sighed deeply and held my aching stomach. I walked back into the house and met the glaring eyes of my sister.

"How much have you hidden from Ammarah?

"What do you mean? I questioned avoiding her as I walk to the kitchen

"Well it's clear she knows only what you showed. For starters why did you take the cab Rayyan?

"Why shouldn't I? I asked turning to look at her

She sent me a glare "Rayyan you have so many cars! And you chose to take a cab"

"I told you it was an unplanned visit"

"Your car is in the market's garage. How many minutes will it take you to take it out and drive her here?

She saw the guilt in my face and smiled sadly "You haven't told her who you are have you? She thinks you're a spice shop owner and that's it"


"Did you give her the sad little story of being an almajiri for five years and then being rescued by your sister's husband who gave you education and business? Did you? She barked

"What's wrong with you? I questioned angrily "Isn't that the truth"

"Yes. But what happened to your spice business expanding to several shops across the country? What happened to you owning spice farms? Exporting them? Having a spice company?

"Binta please"

"Rayyan I know it's hard and you're taking baby steps in coming out of that dark hole. But if you don't want to help yourself, at least don't lie to one who might"

I gave her a questioning look and she rolled her eyes.

"You know what I mean. That girl, Ammarah is your escape, your therapist. You don't lie to your therapist Rayyan"

"I didn't lie" I admitted "I omitted. I simply omitted what I thought isn't necessary to say. She saw me as a sales guy in one of my small shops and still felt connected to me Binta. Not as someone who has anything or someone who has nothing"

Binta sighed and ran a hand down her face "Rayyan listen, you are rich! Absolutely doing well and I'm so glad that you're using that money to give our siblings comfort and fill in for our Dad and I'm so proud that most of it is going into finding comfort for displaced people. But can't you see you're refusing to help yourself instead"

I turned to her "I don't see how this topic is relating to that one Binta. And we've talked about that so many times, it's too late and a risk I'm not willing to take or spend on"

"Even with her? She asked tightly

I dropped my head and raised it again to look at her "I'm afraid so"

She nodded "If she meant something to you; anything, you would have told her all about you. Even the darkest part that you don't want to venture"

"I'm going to find her parent. Isn't that me caring?

"I just..." her voice broke and I walked to wrap her in my arms

"Shhh it's okay"

She sobbed quietly "I just hope things would be different Rayyan. I really do"

I ran my hands on her head and said nothing while we both listened to her small sobs.


I sat on the chair in my study room and examined the laptop in front of me. Apart from painting, I try graphic painting also but only when I have nothing to do. When I don't have farms to look after, shops to run, camps to attend to and siblings to cater for.

You, Alone. ✅Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat