Chapter 20

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Ammarah's POV

Hold me while you wait-- Lewis Capaldi

"So he's a rich man" Aisha pointed out with a grin and I sighed

"He's well doing"

Ammi tutted "He owns an international spice business Ammarah. He's not "well doing"

"How did you even know that? I glared at her

"You told me his spice business name remember and there's something called Google"

I sighed and drag a hand down my face "I don't know guys. Yesterday, it felt okay when he admitted to have lied but when I went over it, it disturbed me a little"

"What disturbed you? Erica questioned

"The fact that he didn't just tell me the truth"

They shot me a pointed look.

"He has his reasons Ammarah. He won't just hide this type of truth from you" Aisha said and they nodded in agreement

"What did he say made him do it anyways? Erica asked

"That he likes who he is in my eyes"

"An impression" Ammi said then added "Hmm, I wonder"

"You wonder what? I asked

"What's making him run away from his own life to an impression of it?

I looked into her eyes and titled my head to the side slightly "Those aren't your words"

Ammi laughed "True. I've been reading this great book recently and it's talks are deep and moving" She made a moving gesture with her hands and head

Aisha rolled her eyes "All I'm saying is, take a deep breath and just let things be. Live in this present where everything is going good. Don't stress about what was or what should be"

"Exactly" Erica added "Don't keep mulling over it. Maybe you don't want to go deep into this"

I furrowed my brows "What? No, I do want to know. It's gnawing at my chest"

"That's because you allowed it too" Aisha said "Let it go"

Ammi nods "Don't spoil the moment overthinking it"

"That's true. I don't know what you're saying but that's true" Badiyya said as she sat down and set her bag on the table.

"What were you saying? She asked when she calmed down

Aisha gestured to me "Ammarah's sales guy is apparently rich"

Ammi showed Badiyya a picture on her phone and Badiyya nodded


"She's questioning his reason for not speaking about it in the first place" Erica replied

Badiyya laughed "Did he tell you why?

"He said he liked who he is"

Badiyya shrugged "Then it might be that or there's definitely something. Like him not liking that he's rich or something about the wealth. Nonetheless since he told you first, it means he cares and when a person cares...

I raised a brow in questioning.

Erica placed a heavy hand on my shoulder as if to pacify me because I don't know a huge law then said "When you care deeply, you'll always come clean to that person. If he/she becomes your safe haven, you'll open up because then you're home"

"And you look so happy with him. Enjoy the moment, this present time Ammarah" Aisha added

My heart swells with love and gratitude and I looked at each of them then whispered "Thank you" before our conversations turned directions and we started talking about what food to eat.

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