Chapter 18

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Ammara's POV

Dandelions- Ruth B

I removed my gaze from Erica's knowing smile and focused on finishing my meal. She nudged me under the table and I sent her a glare


"Spill" She deadpanned

I furrowed my brows "Spill what?

"Where were you the other day?

"What day? I asked again

Aisha sighed "The day you went to the market"

I turned to Erica "And?

"Your mother came here looking for you and Aisha said she thinks you went to the market"

I whipped my head and looked at Aisha who shrugged innocently "I didn't know you snuck out"

"That's technically not sneaking out since I was already out" I argued

"It's still sneaking out if your parent don't know" Ammi pointed out munching on a fry

"You should have just told them about him" Erica said and I rolled my eyes

"What him Erica"

"Your artist at the market of course"

"And here we are hearing about Ammarah's love of interest for the first time" Badiyya said sarcastically

I turned to them "He isn't my love interest"

Erica waved her hands around "Yes yes he's just a friend. Go ahead, lie"

"I never said he was just a friend either"

Ammi sighed "Ammarah, you really need to stop confusing us"

"Exactly" Badiyya chirped in "We need to know if we should start planning a wedding or calm our horses"

I turned to them both and exclaimed "Rest! Then looked back at Erica

"Rayyan is—

"There we have it, Rayyan is the nane" Aisha said with a laugh

"Can I know his last name so I do a thorough investigation on him" Ammi said excitedly

I quickly shook my head "No one needs that Ammi"

"Then who is this man? Aisha inquired

"I met him at the market and he's been teaching me paintings"

They all gave me a look that screams we-are-doubting-you. I raised both my hands up "I swear to you"

Badiyya shook her head "That's weird. The market?

"It's not weird" Erica said placing a hand on my shoulder "It's different"

I nodded leaning back into my chair and almost wanted to tell them how he's helping find my real parent. But they don't know I have another parent or even searching for them.

"He's helping me..." I said and stopped mid way. Hopefully they understood and all assumed he's helping me overcome my father's death.

"He's a keeper then" Aisha winked munching on her food

Ammi nodded "He is. Just tell us when we need to investigate"

"Or plan" Badiyya chirped in

I threw my head back and laughed then nodded playfully "Oh I sure will"

I sure will.


On my way home, I called Dr Yahya and asked him to come over as I needed something. He said whatever it is that I want, I should contact him so here I am making sure we meet and talk later in the evening.

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