Chapter 5

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Falling like the stars- James Arthur

Two weeks and I'm back at the market alone. It was a huge risk but one I surprisingly was willing to take. I took a taxi to the market straight from school when my lecture was cancelled. Nobody knows, not even Rahma as I make my way into the crowded place stuffed with people. I walked straight to his shop and halted when I saw the lock on his door. My heart sank to my stomach as disappointment levitate to my head.

Jus then, I heard "Princess"

A smile appeared on my lips and I quickly turned concealing it as I regarded him

"Hy" I said shifting awkwardly as he made his way to the lock

"Hello. What do you want?

I kept quiet realizing the depth of his question. What do I really want? There are so many wants in my head, some that I know will never be fulfilled.

"Spices"I replied dumbly just as he opened the shop and stepped inside

He laughed "All spices?

I frowned a bit "Well no. I want cardamom and cinnamon"

He nodded and looked back at his shelf "You know, you should probably try out other spices. Not just cardamom or cinnamon"

"What other spices do you have?

He smiled "The question is what other spices do you want? I have all discovered and accessible spice here maam"

I nodded slowly and looked around at the packed bottles of different spice that I have no idea of their names or what they're used for.

""What do you recommend? I asked slowly

He kept quiet for sometime and grabbed a pack of a spice keeping it before me

"Star anise. As beautiful as you" He whispered softly

Our eyes locked for a few minutes before I took a deep breath and looked down at the spice "A man who knows his spice and art. Impressive"

He smiled wholeheartedly and nodded "You want to see my art don't you?

I smiled knowing that was what brought me in the first place. Ignoring the small voice that whispered there's another reason.

"Can I? I asked and he looked around

"Do you have enough time?

I furrowed my brows "for what?

"We are going somewhere"

I tilted my head a bit "Are you kidnapping me?

This made him smile as he revealed a little  gap between his teeth.

"No I won't princess. You can call someone you trust and tell them you're going somewhere"

I nodded my head and fished out my phone pretending to type a message. After some seconds, I placed the phone back into my bag and said "Let's go"

He brought out a big document and a small pocket Quran and then closed his door. After stuffing the key into his pants, he looked up and motioned for me to follow him.

It took us fifteen minutes to walk out of the market and to an open space behind it. The land spread to a small lake that overlooked small clay houses. Young children stood by a boat while others were in the waters.

We sat on a rock as we watch the young kids laugh and play with the waters. After a few minutes, he turned to me "I have paint and brush here. What would you like to paint?

You, Alone. ✅Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora