Chapter 20: The Second Trial

Start from the beginning

"Edythe?" Leon whispers in question, his heart pounding in his chest.

"Leon, please!" she screams back in agony.

"Edythe!" Leon yells back, his legs already pulling him down the hallway before he can stop himself.  


The amulet shone with bright white life, whispering to Jackson in a strange language. But Jackson could understand its whispers, the voice of magic and his elders of old. He hadn't heard its voice for a very long time and hadn't expected to hear it ever again. This wasn't just any magic. It was Edythe's magic, speaking to him in a comforting embrace. It told him where to go, and Jackson followed its commands.

Even though the darkness was endless, Jackson trusted the amulet would lead him to safety. It would be his eyes and ears. Jackson feels Ronon's magic trying to reach out and touch him, but the amulet covers him from the influence of hallucinations. 

Jackson hadn't even noticed that he had escaped the labyrinth until he saw the black stone halls. The amulet still shone brightly, its white light seemingly out of place in the dark corners of Ronon's castle. His count down had begun. Jackson knew he had to follow the amulet once more to the emerald stone that Edythe had wanted so badly.

Despite lingering anger at her reaction to his return, Jackson still couldn't bring himself to hate her. His cruel and rough demeanour was only an act. He would do anything for her. Jackson knew that. He would do whatever it took to help her destroy Ronon for good.


Percival's heavy breath echos off the walls, the knight marching between a fast walk and a jog as he tries to navigate his way through the maze. He tries to focus purely on the bright light that Edythe said would shield him from Ronon's magic, but with every passing minute and every passing dead-end, panic begins to set in.

The knight becomes desperate, running as he tries to find even a slither of light in the darkness. But every time he thinks it's getting brighter, it starts to get dark once more. Percival tries to retrace his steps, but slowly, as he begins to get more turned about and disoriented, the knight finds himself lost.

Percival breathes even heavier, trying to contain his panic, but finding it's easier said than done. That's when he hears the loud rumble from deep within the maze. It shakes the ground and hums through the air. Percival pauses his actions. His mind now focused on the rumble coming from behind him. Percival loses footing as a big gust of wind blows through the hall where he stands. The knight plants his feet, leaves and dirt blowing past him.

The windfalls and the rumbling becomes silent.

"Run!" a champion's figure emerges from the darkness, a sword in hand as he barrels down the hallway toward Percival. Percival raises his sword, ready for an attack, but the knight doesn't receive one as the champion hurtles past the knight and into the darkness of another hallway.

Percival turns back to the direction the champion came from, the darkness seeming empty of any threat. There's a loud crack. It echoes throughout the maze, shaking the ground. Percival looks up as a shout of panic erupts through the hallway, another champion appearing through the darkness. The ground starts to disappear under his feet, the champion screaming as he tries to make for stable ground.

Cracks begin to form under Percival's feet, the knight quickly turning to run in the direction of the first champion. The champion behind Percival lets out one last shout, his voice sounding as though it's falling hundreds of feet. Percival dares not look back as he sprints, praying that he doesn't hit another dead end.    


Edythe P.O.V.

My foot taps against the wooden floor, my eyes glued at the doorway, praying that I will see my friends emerge from them soon. I wait in agony for Ronon to feel the presence of Merlin's magic. I nervously look toward the Wolf, feeling anxious as I see a face of thought. He looks in the opposite direction, his eyes closing as if concentrating on something. His gold eyes snap open, and he turns to Blaze with hast.

"Someone is using magic", He hisses toward his second. "In the catacombs. He's powerful, so much so that I can't see him."

Blaze sits up in his seat, having previously been in a bored slump. "What?"

"It's them", Ronon sneers, turning to me. "The rebels."

I put on my best face of shock I could muster despite the feeling of relief. "What? Are you sure?"

"I'm positive."

"I will deal with them", Blaze offers, standing from his seat. "I'll take Kyran and his men with me."

"I'll come", I declare, also standing from my seat. I need to look convincing, like I do want to participate.

Ronon rises, placing his hand on my shoulder. "No, you stay. Make sure no one interrupts the tournament. Blaze, get our best men and follow me to the catacombs."

"Yes, my lord", Blaze and I say in time, the two of us sharing a look.

Ronon and Blaze grab some family members as they exit the stand, other family members looking around confused as they are left behind with me. I turn to take my seat once more, a smirk slowly growing on my face as I look around the large crowd in triumph. Now I only need to wait to hear back from Merlin. I know he'll be okay if Ronon can't see him because he's so powerful. Merlin should have no trouble hiding from him.

For now, I wait for my friends and hope Ronon's distraction will give Jackson enough time to steal the stone and for the knights to find their way out of the labyrinth without any delay.

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