Chapter 19: Let There Be War

Start from the beginning

"Don't think I don't know what you're doing, Edythe", Aro growls with a sick satisfaction. "I'll out you to Ronon, just you wait. I'm onto you and your friends. You're all going to be punished. I can't wait to see the look on your face when he drags you away."

I finally snatch my arm away, taking a step back to stare at Aro. I don't say a word, staring daggers toward him as he slinks away into the crowd with an evil grin plastered on his lips.

"Are you okay, Edythe?" Merlin frets, rushing to my side. "I saw Aro over here. You looked like you were distressed. What did he do? Are you hurt?"

"No, I'm fine, Merlin, thank you", I answer breathlessly.

"What did he want?"

"He's onto us", I explain, pulling Merlin back towards the knights. "The rebels. He's going to try and reveal us."

"What are we going to do?"

"I have an idea. But I'll have to wait to talk to Kohl before we decide on it."

Merlin and I begin to make our way toward Arthur and the Knights. Most of the crowd had dispersed from the champions to join the party. Earlier, discussed the plan with Merlin, telling him that he would have permission to do a spell to distract Ronon from Jackson stealing the emerald. Merlin became full of life, excited that he would be used in the rebel's plan.

I didn't tell Kohl who this warlock was that I knew. I only stated that he wished to keep his identity concealed from Ronon. That seemed to be a good enough reason in Kohl's eyes. It was agreed upon that later, I would be joining the rebels for another meeting. Whilst there, I would perform a spell on a talisman to help Jackson get out of the labyrinth. I've refrained from telling Arthur and the others that little detail.

"What's with the scheming?" Arthur asks, gesturing toward where I had previously been seated with the other family members and Ronon.

"Just talk of the rebels", I answer in a lowered voice, letting my eyes dance across the room so that it isn't so obvious that I'm talking to the knights. "Are you enjoying the attention?"

"Can't say I fancy it"."

"I can't tell if it's an improvement from the cave or not," Leon adds truthfully. This brings a slight chuckle to my lips.

"Gwaine seems to enjoy it enough", Elyan notes, gesturing with a nod toward the knight. Gwaine, still crowded by women, has his signature grin planted across his face. I roll my eyes. Typical.

"He should be careful."

"Why's that?" Elyan asks, curious.

I smirk. "If a champion is perceived to be a catch, Ronon will sometimes auction them out for the night."

I'm greeted with a line of wide eyes, only bringing another giggle from my throat.

"Don't think Gwaine would mind", Percival offers, the others chuckling in agreement.

"As long as she's a looker, he won't care", Elyan chuckles in agreement.

"Doesn't seem all that profiting, though", Leon thinks out loud. "As most of the wealthy here are men, not women."

I raise an eyebrow and smirk. "I didn't say anything about only women bidding."

Silence falls over the group, shocked expressions flooding the faces of the men before me. I roll my eyes, finding myself in a laughing fit. It feels good to be with my friends again, engaging in small conversations.

Even though we're in a hard situation, we still manage to have a little laugh, enjoying ourselves even though tomorrow the knights and Arthur will be trekking through a labyrinth whilst Merlin and I will be trying to help steal a magical item.

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